Chapter 4

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Brianna P.O.V

"Brianna I got Cancer" my mom said tears rolled down her face as she waited for me to respond.

"Wait So Bryan You Fucking Knew All This Time Ma Was Sick And You Aint Fucking Say Shit! Nigga Really!" I yelled at Bryan trying my best to hold my tears back.

"Brandy! Brandy" i yell running down the hall to Brandys room.

I didnt care at this point about knocking on her door so i just opened and walked in.

"So you knew ma had cancer and aint tell me to" i asked her staring at her with evil eyes.

She didnt respond she just broke out into tears then left her room speed walking to my room.

"Ma you got cancer and aint tell know nobody" brandy said choking on her words with a little anger.

"She told bryan doe" i said walking back down the hall to Brandons room.

"So you knew Ma had Cancer and aint tell me or Brandy" i yelled at brandon knowing he had to know because of the expression on his face.

"I went back into my room and looked Bryan up and down in disgust.

"Im out man ion got time for this bull shit" I said walking down stairs out the door.

I was pissed mad and angry. Why everybody got keep secretes from me she could have told me she had cancer like that shit hurts me. I didnt want none of them taking me to school today so i walked.

How my dad found out where we leave i thiught to myself.

I cant trust nobody at this point cause i knew my dad couldnt find us his self he had connections.


1. Do you think Brianna handled the situation right?

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