Chapter 32

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Travis House)

When we made it home me Bryan and Travis went to the basement and Keisha cooked lunch.

"So who we looking for" Travis asked.

"That's easy fake ass Niya got all the resources" I said.

"Right we need her and Brandy" Bryan said.

"Even better two stupid bitches" I said.

"Ain't yo back hurting" Travis said trying to be funny.

"Fuck you" I said

"When" he replied.

"Neva she gone be a virgin for the rest of her life" Bryan said.

That was hilarious. But we got back down to business and figured out who was doing what. I got the good part.

We continued making our master plan until we heard Keisha scream.

Bryan was the first one out the room.

"What the fuck happened"I said.

"This note" Keisha said handing me a paper.

"Bitch don't think I forgot about yo ass you next hoe and that baby of yours is dead" i read the note out loud.

"Fuck" Bryan said punching a hole in the wall.

"Bryan chill the fuck out punching a hole in the wall ain't gone do shit about the situation" I said pissed.

He ain't respond he just called for Travis to come in the basement.

Keisha ran upstairs and I followed her.

"Keisha im done seeing you cry its time to take action" I said to keisha then walking out.

I went straight to my room changed into my black pants and black tank and black leather jacket. Then I went downstairs to the basement and grabbed a .9.

"Where you going" Travis asked.

"To finish what has started" I said.

"Let us handle it" Bryan's said.

"Why when y'all ain't getting shit done" I said.

"So you going by yourself" Travis asked.

"No I'm going cause if a bitch wanna kill me I'm going out with a bang" keisha said reaching for a gun.

I handed her a .9 and we left.

I pulled up some distance from Marcus house where Niya and Brandy was.

"You ready" I asked keisha after discussing our plan.

"Yes" she said signing.

"You don't have to if you don't want to keisha " I said.

"I'm fine" she said getting out the car.

I got out the car and we walked up to the house and knocked.

"What's up Brianna I ain't see you in forever man" Marcus said.

"Good to see you Marcus" I said.

"Is Niya and Brandy home" keisha asked.

"Yea up stairs but Brandy isn't" Marcus said.

"Can we talk to her" I said.

"Yea but I think she sleep"he said.

After that we went upstairs to her room and there she was sleep. I wanted to murk the bitch already.

Keisha put her gun to Niyas head.

"What the fuck" Niya said shocked.

"You gone kill me bitch really hoe i thought you was my bitch but I see you ain't hoe and to threaten to kill my baby that I may have oh bitch the true Keisha is here now bitch I'm in the muthafucka what's good" keisha said. She was going crazy. But hey we at a life or death situation.

I stood in the coner in the dark and listen to the convo making sure Niya ain't see me cause Brandy could show up any minute and IMA bust that triffling bitch.

"What the fuck are you talking about keisha I never said that you betta ask Brandy cause she said she say you kissing her brother or some shit I ain't got nothing to do with it" Niya said.

"Bitch stop lying and why the fuck are you after Brianna she ain't do shit to you I know you was in that car cause you and Brandy always together and I saw a curly head hoe on the other side" keisha said.

"I had no choice brandy would kill me if I dont help to kill brianna and you lucky you left cause she was gonna make you to" Niya said.

"Who else is looking for brianna and you betta spill everything or you a dead ass bitch" Keisha said.

"Her dad he's here in chicago and Brandy I barley know anything please keisha let me go" Niya cried.

Keisha grabbed the tape from her back and tied Niya up feet and arms. Then got her up off her bed onto her feet put her gun pointing to her back and walked her out the door downstairs.

"Niya I knew something was up with yo Crazy ass" Marcus said getting his gun to help keisha take Niya to the truck. They then made a wistle sound to alarm me it was clear for me to walk.

I walked saftly to the truck with Marcus in the front and keisha watching Niya. I pulled off and drove back to the house.

As I pulled up I made sure no one was around. When it was clear Marcus carried Niya in the house to the basement and we followed.

"You ladies really ain't playing" Travis said.

"Fuck you and tie this bitch up" I said.

"Yes Ma'am" Travis said.

After he tied her up i went upstairs to find Bryan. When i walked to the last step Brandy was pointing a gun at Bryan. I made sure to be out of site and aimed my gun and bang I shot the bitch right in the leg. She tried to fire at Bryan but he kicked the gun out her hand.

"You alright" I asked him.

"Yea the bitch been in the house watching us and she snuck up on me" Bryan said taking her to the basement tying her up next to Niya who was brusied up.

"Tf happened to her" Bryan asked and Travis pointed at keisha who was breathing heavy.

"Wow" Bryan said.

He was in shock and so was i to.

"I had to do what I had to do to get info" Keisha" spoke.

"She made the bitch give us your dads address and Tanks location" Travis laughed.

"Damn she's go" Bryan said walking over to keisha wisphering to her.

"Stupid bitch" Brandy said.

Next thing I knew my fist went across her face making that bitch bleed.

"Call me another bitch and your face will be like that" i said pointing to Niya.

"Well you bettahurry BITCH" Brandy said.

Nexting thing I knew keisha threw two punches at that bitch knocking two of her teeth out then grabbed a knife and pulled Brandy's tougue out and said "Call her another bitch and you won't be able to speak got me bitch" and Brandy nodded yes and was breathing heavy.

Bryan set up the camera to record and I stood behind Brandy.

"Go" Bryan said.

"You see this failure of yours dad you sent her to kill us really bitch well look where she is at tied up with a gun to her fucking want her back find this bitch and you better find me first cause I'm coming for your ass" i said holding my gun to brandys head.

Bryan stopped the video and burned it to a CD and put it inside an envelope.

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