Chapter 29

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Keisha P.O.V

(At the hospital)

I ran in the inside of the hospital to the front desk.

"May I help you" the lady at the front said giving attitude.

"Brianna she was just brought here not to long ago"

"Go down the hall in the waiting room" she responded.

"Thank you fat ass" i said running off.

I ran all the way down the hall to the waiting room to find Travis looking like a straight up killah.

"Travis she going to be okay trust me" I said but Travis ain't respond.

"Keisha why are you here" a familiar voice said.

I turned to see my auntie lasha.

"Auntie my best friend is in here fighting for her life she was shot"

"What's here name"

"Brianna" I said quickly.

My auntie ran down the hall to find the room she was in to help Brianna because she loved Brianna as one of her own.

(Hours later)

It wasn't until hours later when my a doctor came out to tell us the news.

"Family of Brianna" he said.

"Right here" Me and Travis quickly said.

"She's...Fine but she will need to stay in the hospital for a couple of days to get the care she needs" The doctor said.

"Can I go talk to her" Travis asked

"Well she needs shut eye and rest so maybe later.."

"Come you two" my aunt said not caring what the doctor was saying.

"Not to loud and you can't stay to long so quickly" My auntie said.

When we walked to the room the tears started to fall. I never imagined in my life having to have to see my best friend in a hospital bed.

I walked up to her and sat down to the chair closets to her and Travis stood up and grabbed her hand and started to talk.

"Brianna I'm so sorry i was a dumb as for getting mad at you over some fucking pictures that an unknown number sent to me. Next time we can talk instead of arguing cause if this what arguing gets us I don't wanna argue man baby just get better soon cause I can't loss you I can't walk with out you I can't talk with out you man your my all and everything your the other half of me I need I hate seeing you like this Brianna I Love You" Travis said.

When I heard those three letter words my mouth dropped. Brianna had Travis on lock down and I hope he really means what he just said.

"Brianna come back please" I started to say and Bryan walked in the room.

How was I going to say what I was going to say with Bryan in the room but I continued.

"Brianna get better please cause there is...a...possibility that I may be... Pregnant.

I knew Brianna heard me cause a smile went across her face and she squeezed my hand.

I felt some one staring and I looked up to see Travis AND Bryan Staring at me.

All I could do was shake my head and cry sitting back in seat.

"Brianna get well baby girl I got business to take care I love you like sis" Bryan said kissing Brianna forehead then walking over to me kneeling down.

"You are pregnant or you think your pregnant" Bryan asked.

"I think I'm pregnant" I said.

"How about later we get a pregnancies test to see"

"Okay" I said wiping my tears kissing the hell out of him.

"I gotta go" Bryan said breaking the kiss.

"Please be safe" I said crying again running my fingers through his soft curly hair.

"Jhitt stop crying I got you but I can't promise this all for my sister" he said walking out with Travis behind him.

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