Chapter 31

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Brianna P.O.V

4 Days Later...

This is my Fifth day in the hospital and I'm so ready to go home cause to be honest I miss laying in bed with my baby. Its the only time I feel safe. But I did get to spend time with my auntie lasha.

"Auntie I go home today right" I asked my auntie while I swallowed the pill she gave me SN: she's not my real aunt.

"Yes Ma'am you do you just have to wait for Bryan to come get you" she said.

She then told me I had to take my medicine 2 times a day and I couldn't be up to much like that but I could walk around.

Travis walked in with some clothes for me to wear and some flowers. I almost cried but I had to caught myself.

"Awwww Monkey you ain't have to" I said in a baby voice.

"Yes I do for baby" he relied.

I reached for the flowers but he said no he need a kiss first.

"Come here big head" I said reaching for a kiss.

I peeked him on his lips like four times and then he game me my flowers and clothes. Auntie helped me to the bathroom to change even though I ain't need much help. Ima strong ass women.

I was glad I was being released from the hospital cause graduation was in a few days cause they don't have graduation in school they have it in the summer and my birthday coming up too.

I changed into the shorts and white tank and white sandals that Travis brought me.

When I walked out the bathroom Travis was knelled down on one knee and a black box in his hand.

All I could do is cover my mouth. I looked around the room to see Bryan's eyes wide open and Keisha hand over her mouth and lasha continuously blanking her eyes.

"Brianna... I'm in love with you and no matter what your brother has to say I wanna be with you and if that means not fucking other girls than I'm with it cause you the only women in my Will you Marry me" Travis said with the beautiful silver diamond ring in my eyes. (Ring In The Picture)

"Ye... Yes Travis yes" I said crying tears of joy grabbing his face up to kiss me. I felt like a different women when he put the ring on my finger.

"Baby I Love" Travis said.

"I love you too" I said back kissing the hell out of him.

"He got my sister on lock down" Bryan said.

"You stupid bruh" Travis said.

Today was going good. I'm engaged now and everybody I care for is with me but the bitchs who after us its bout to be a end to this shiy starting now.

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