Chapter 34

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My Nails To The Left
Keisha To The Right

Brianna P.O.V

(In the morning)

I got up and packed some clothes and shoes to take cause we wasn't staying in travis house we had to go to a hotel. Then I showered.

When I got out I realized I left my bra and panties once again on the bed and now my towel too.

"Travis" I wishpered.

"No" he said back getting off the bed locking the room door.

"Fuck you Travis" is said.

"Ight girl and I gotta pee to so you gone have to come out the bathroom" he said.

"Travis for really give me the towel" I said getting mad.

"Why I can't see your body ain't like I'm not gone see it in the future" he said.

"Travis you know how you is able to change some ones thoughts with your face expression" I said.

"Here" he said handing me the towel.

"Now can I pee" Travis said standing in front of me while I was drying a legs off.

"Travis really" I said.

He then pushed me against the wall soft kissing on my neck.

"Travis Baby stop" I said.

"I want you" he whispered in my ear.

That nigga was freaky as fuck. Oh he turned me on.

As he went from rubbing on my breast to feeling on my ass I let out soft moans.

"Travis stop...Travis...stop"

"Oh I'm sorry I got carried away"

"Yea" I said walking out.

I went in the closet to find something to wear. I put on some Jean shorts white crop top and white flats.

"Baby could I get the keys to your truck" I said knocking on the bathroom door.

"Wassup" he said coming out the bathroom.

"Never mind" I said walking down stairs.

I poured me some orange juice and sat down at the table thinking.

Am I moving to fast, will I get hurt in the end, do travis really love me, can I take this, I thought in my head.

So many thoughts were flowing in my head. I was losing it. My life was changing. All of this at the age 17.

After I guess every one did what they had to we put our bags in the truck and found a hotel.

"Room 135" the clerk at the front said.

We walked to the room and got settled in. I was glad Keisha and Bryan was right across from us. Me and travis ain't say much unless it was a one word line.

To get my mind off of the bad I thought about my birthday which was in two days.

Im finna turn the fuck up. Clubbing and all and did I mention my baby birthday two days after mine turn the fuck up. I got something special planed for him.

I felt sorry cause I had no idea what was wrong with Travis.

I got on the bed behind him rubing his back to the top and placing my arms around his neck missing his cheek.

"Baby what's wrong" i said.


"Talk to me I'm here for you"

"I'm not in the mood to much shit going on"

"How you think I feel I'm only 17 going through all of this bull shit"

"No its other shit to"

"Like to me"

He didn't respond.

"Baby you remember when you said you wanted me to have your baby" I said moving closer to him standing between his legs as he wrapped his hands around my small waist.

"Yea" he said.

"Your gonna look up one day and my stomach will be like this" I said making a big circle around my stomach.

"And IMA make sure to kiss it every night and morning" he said.

And I giggle.

"Bruhh you suck a baby" he said as I sat on his lap face to face with him.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you to" I said kissing the hell out of him not wanting to let go. I gotta admit my cookie was asking for him. He had me wet at over.

I guess he knew I was wet cause he unbuttoned my shorts and put his hand inside my panties rubbing my area slowly slowly slowly and slowly then he speeded up moving faster and faster and faster.

"Tra uhus... Trav uhus" I moaned throw kisses.

"Wait..wait"I said.

"What's wrong" he said.

"Not now please" I said.


I went in the bathroom and refresh up and put different shorts and panties on cause they were wet up.

When I walked out the room travis was gone so I walked across the hall to see if Bryan was in his room. Keisha came to the door and said they left and Bryan was pissed and Travis was hell of pissed and she think someone threatened about me.

I then ask did he leave his phone but he didn't so we decided to go get our nails and toes done instead of waiting for them to return. We called for a taxi and went on our journey.

When I walked inside the place I see a familar face doing nails then I remembered she was the one who gave me that picture of me and some other girl and Bryan in the back. I went and sat down and so did keisha to wait in line but after the girl got done doing her clients nails she called me over and the other bitches was talking shit.

"I'm sorry I didn't get your name last time or did I maybe I forgot refraze me" I said.


"Right I'm..."

"Brianna I know" she said.


"Long story just thing of long lost... But do you want the stiletto nails or regular" she asked changing the subject.

"Stiletto" I said.

She did my nails in a cute ice cream Aztec design I loved it and better yet she did it for free and keishas too.

"Hey could we talk sometime to caught up" she said.

"Sure" I said giving her my number.

Why does she look so much like me what she means by long lost is she my sister. I wanted to know.

"Do you think she's your sister" keisha asked.

"Something's telling me she is" I replied.

"I wanna get my hair done" keisha said walking to the salon.

I guess ilk get mine done to.

I got curls and a bang my shit looked real. This is how me and Keisha's day went.

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