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THE WRITHING PAIN crawling through his veins. He lies back on his bed, sweat coating his forehead and neck. Groaning in immense pain, clawing at the bed sheets underneath him. The pain vibrated through his bones. He rolls his head to the side, watching the twins through the glass of his containment room. Wanda levitated wooden blocks, her hands moving in graceful patterns. Pietro's body twitched as he runs at super speed around his room. Slamming into the wall, he could feel the pain Pietro might have felt in that moment. He looked at the twins, closing his eyes before falling off the bed. His body impacted against the cold floor, as he laid there sprawled across the cracked tiles. Sparks sputtered from his hands, his breath heavier. 

"Shit." he groaned under his breath. Sitting up, resting his arm on his knee, the other leg stretched out. His lips bitten raw, the taste of coppery blood filling his mouth. He spits out the scarlet fluid, staining the wall across from him. Knocking sounded on the glass, startling him. He looked up, seeing Wolfgang von Strucker staring attentively at him. To think this all happened after the three of them were approached by an individual going by the name Doctor List. Days of protesting on the streets of Sokovia to be locked away in a room, experimented on. The three of them were the only ones who survived the experiments. 

"Minho. Up." Strucker commanded him to stand up. Reluctantly, the slender figure stood up from the floor. His bare feet cold against the tiles, his entire body aching in pain. Spark continued sputtering out from his fingers.

"What?" Minho bluntly spoke. He looked at Strucker, the man soon smiling back at him.

"Show me." Minho knew what the man meant. Clenching his fists, the electricity pours out of his hands, the jolts of energy erupting around him. Minho bites down the pain, teeth cutting through the skin of his lips. His entire mouth fills with his blood, before he collapses to the floor. Blood pools out from his mouth, a tiny puddle forming near his mouth.

"Happy?" Minho coughed out the blood, as it began to choke him. Strucker smirked, walking away from the glass. Minho closed his eyes, taking long breaths every few seconds. He sits up once again, his back against the wall. The scientists surrounding the three of them, disappear. The time for surveying them for the day was over. Minho looks over once again to the room Pietro was occupying. Pietro looked back at him, dark circles around his eyes, before slumping to the ground. 

"You okay?" he sees Pietro mouthing those words. Minho nodded.

"You?" Minho mouthed back. Pietro shrugged, chuckling to himself. Minho couldn't help but smile. The three of them had each other's back since they first met. Most specifically, he always knew Pietro has his back. 

"Wanda?" Pietro mouthed. He couldn't really see her, as his room was next to hers. Minho knocked on the glass of his room, gaining Wanda's attention. The blocks dropped to the floor, as she turned her attention towards Minho.

"What?" she mouthed.

"You okay?" Minho asked. She nodded, slightly smiling at Minho to reassure him. Minho lies his head back on the wall. What they decided a few days ago was for the best. It was the only way the three of them can gain their revenge against Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers. That was the priority.


04 / 08 / 2018

i hope you enjoy the little teaser for what is about to come and thanks for reading!

i hope you enjoy the little teaser for what is about to come and thanks for reading!

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