━━ chapter eleven.

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A YOUNG MINHO kicks the stones as he wandered alone in the streets of Sokovia. It has only been two months since he and his family left Seoul and moved to the country. During that time, he managed to befriend a girl. Her name was Wanda Maximoff. Together they throw stones into the river or watch the stars at night. It was comforting to have someone there for him. That is until he met the older twin. Pietro Maximoff. Minho was intimidated by Pietro's appearance, a sense of anxiety hitting him. However, despite the confidence that Pietro carried, a confused boy was hidden underneath the surface.

Tonight, he and Pietro snuck out to skip stones together. He meets the brown haired at the usual spot, exchanging hugs as the sit near the back, legs dangling as they chucked stones into the murky water.

"Minho?" Pietro spoke softly.

"Yes?" Minho looked at his friend.

"Promise me something."


"No matter what, we will always have each other's back. Promise?" he held out his pinky finger for Minho. Smiling, Minho locks pinkies with Pietro, the brown haired returning a smile to the him.

"Promise." Minho smiled


"WAS there a need to point a gun at his forehead?" Clint heard the voice through his communicator, stashing his arrows in the quiver.

"He worked alongside Ultron. You cannot expect me to trust him all of a sudden." Clint bluntly responded.

"He is misguided. He knows the truth. He is better than what he perceives himself to be."

"Why are you so interested in him?" Clint asked, strapping on his suit.

"Don't threaten him by gunpoint again."

"Or what?" Clint chuckled.

"It would be you at the receiving end."

"Nice try but your threats are not convincing anymore." Clint chuckled.

"It was worth a shot. Just...make sure he makes it out alive."

"I promise." The voice goes silent through Clint's communicator, as he heads out to join the others on the quinjet.


MINHO WAS GREETED to dilapidated buildings and worn out pathways. Steve instructed Pietro and Wanda to gather the civilians of Sokovia to safety. Minho joined Thor and Hulk, seeing as the blonde haired shared similar capabilities in terms of electricity with the God of Thunder. Minho knew the research base run by Hydra in and out. Thor swings his hammer to the wall, a hole forming. Minho, Bruce and Thor entered, as they are greeted by Chitauri weaponry and a dead Leviathan creature.

"Follow Banner and keep him safe." Thor instructed Minho. Nodding, Minho and Bruce head deeper into the base, Minho remembering a holding where Strucker used to keep prisoners. Bruce called out for Natasha, before the two individuals find her jailed in a cell.

"What is he doing here?" Natasha asked.

"Here to help." Minho answered.

"It's okay. He's on our side. Stand back." Bruce pulls out a energy gun, blowing the lock of the cell. Natasha steps out of the cell, thanking Minho.

"Minho, we need some help." Wanda spoke through Minho's communicator.

"Okay. They need me." Minho looked at both Natasha and Bruce.

"Go. We can handle it from here." Natasha said. Minho nodded, jumping between the electric currents, travelling out of the base. The city of Sokovia was surrounded with several of Ultron's sentries. A sentry flies towards Minho, knocking him backwards. He spits out blood from his mouth, standing up on his feet. A small line of blood drips from his mouth down his chin. Wiping it on his sleeve, he focused the energy of his powers. His eyes soon glow white, before striking the sentry with a bolt of lightning. Shrouding his entire body, daggers shaped from electricity forms in both of his hands, impaling the sentry which attacked him. Ripping the body in half, the dagger dissipates in his hands.

"Well Thor can definitely not do that." Clint remarked. Minho smirked to himself, as he parried and impaled several sentries. Sentries shoot at him with energy blasts, only for them to be repelled by his electric barrier. Minho watched from the corner of his eye, as Pietro collides with several sentries while running at super speed. The body ripped apart, as he comes to a halt. Minho and Pietro lock eyes before Pietro speeds away. Now is not the time to think about what they spoke about. Letting go of his guard, a sentry knocks Minho backwards once the barrier surrounding the blonde disappears. His body screams in pain, as the electricity in his veins pulses through his body to soothe the pain.

"Where is Wanda?" Minho calls out. He sees a flash of red from a distance, as he teleports between the electric lines before helping her from the ground.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine." she swallowed.

The earth underneath begins to shake. The ground falls into itself, cracks forming from it. Several buildings cave in and crumble. The bridge collapses, as it seemed as if the city of Sokovia was floating in the air.

"What is happening?" Minho asked, panic clear in his voice. He watches as Tony Stark circles around the city. Wanda watches in horror as the buildings easily crumbles before their eyes. Sokovia is doomed. The city will soon turn cave in on itself. Unless, the Avengers stop Ultron. Minho could not let this happen. He already lost his family and brother, he refuses to watch the same fate befall him and the others. Individuals who gave their trust to him and the Maximoff twins after everything they have done to them. This will not be the end. For anyone of them. Pietro zooms up next to Minho, as he spotted debris from a building about to fall on Minho. Pulling him to the side, Pietro scowls at Minho. The blonde haired looked at his feet.

"Watch your surroundings Minho." Pietro bluntly said.

"Sorry." Minho apologised.


"I always have your back." Minho said. Pietro knew what the blonde haired meant. Instinctively, they locked pinkies.

"Thank you." Pietro faintly smiled.

"Come on, we have work to do." Minho said.



a/n: lol, so i watched infinity war again today with my brother for the first time, seeing as i watched it at the movies by myself and we both complained about why marvel did that to us when the snap scene happened. so lol, that's what i did today! anyway, thanks for reading!

- 𝖙.𝖘

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