━━ chapter two.

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MINHO WATCHES from afar, as he sees Pietro zooming about, knocking over the Avenger, Clint Barton. He goes by the code name Hawkeye. Minho smirked. He watched Pietro walking around Hawkeye, the familiar cocky smile across his face. Arrows could not stop Pietro, as his super speed catered to his advantage. Minho's eyes landed on electric lines, channeling his powers as his body turned to pure energy, travelling with the electric current. He protested with leaving Wanda alone to protect Strucker. Pietro reassured him that Wanda is capable and will be able to protect herself from harm. Minho landed on the frosted ground below him, electricity sparking at his hands. He spotted one of the other Avengers, Natasha Romanoff known as the Black Widow. He shot electric pulses towards her, knocking her backwards.

"Guys there's another enhanced individual." she said, through what would seem to be a communicator.

"That won't  help you now." Minho growled. Romanoff retracted her batons, as Minho noticed the electricity surging from the weapons. He laughed, knowing her attacks will be futile. She charged towards him, as she throws punches and several kicks towards him, some impacting against Minho's body but he was able to land some attacks. Romanoff ignorantly uses her electric batons to shock Minho. She soon realises he absorbed the electricity, smirking as he knocks her backwards with another electric pulse. She groans, her nails biting into the snow covered dirt.

"Can someone please help me out here? Thor specifically." she spoke through her communicator. Minho walked towards her, letting the sparks pool out from his fingers. Without keeping his guard up, someone slams into him, knocking him to the ground. Minho groans in pain, looking up to see the huge figure towering over him, long blonde hair resting atop his head.

"Thank you Thor." Minho heard Natasha speaking.

"Barton is injured. Get him to safety." Thor spoke. Natasha nodded. Minho knocks back Thor with electrical charges, standing up from the ground. His body felt cold, after laying in the frost. Thor, a grimace on his face advanced towards Minho. Knowing that the impact of Thor's hammer might injure him beyond compare, Minho uses his ability to travel through the electrical lines to his advantage, deciding on defence rather than offence. Thor grew increasingly annoyed by this.

"Come out you coward!" Thor shouted out, throwing his hammer. Minho landed in the wrong patch of ground, before Thor's hammer impacts against the individual's abdomen. Minho was knocked backwards, body slamming against the hard ground.

"Fuck." Minho cussed, pain reverberating through his body. Thor called his hammer back to him.

"Enough of these childish games." Thor spoke, walking closer to Minho. The young individual sees Pietro zooming past, distracting Thor.

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