━━ chapter fourteen.

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IT HAS BEEN WEEKS since the attack of Novi Grad. Minho spent most of his days grieving for the loss of Pietro. He and Wanda spent their time together, remembering Pietro and the memories they shared with him. It hurt her more. Pietro was her twin, her own blood.

The two stayed at the facility owned by Tony Stark for the Avengers. Steve offered a place for Wanda and Minho. Both sceptic to join but Steve advised them to take their time.

Minho twirls his fingers, electricity weaving between his fingers. He stares up at the ceiling, sighing as he closes his eyes. He never wanted this to happen. Nightmares occurred frequently for Minho, as he always woke up in a cold sweat, before crying himself back to sleep. He could never shake off that awful memory of Pietro's blood staining his hands.

He sits up once hearing a knock on the door of his room.

"Come in." he called out, voice raspier than usual. Steve Rogers entered the room, leaning agains the door frame.

"Mind if we talk?" Steve asked. Minho sighed before nodding as Steve takes a seat on Minho's bed.

"What do want to talk about?" Minho asked, juggling a ball of electricity between his hands.

"Wanda said yes to the offer. I just want to check up on you." Steve said. Minho knew Wanda would say yes eventually. He could see she wanted to, for Pietro. He could not blame her.

"This...all of this is not my world. I don't belong it in." Minho mumbled.

"Minho...I know about your past." Minho swallowed the lump in his throat, nervous to talk about the past.


"First your younger brother, your parents and now Pietro. Minho, just know you have a family here if you stay. I know that's what you want the most."

"And that's the reason why people are dying. I don't deserve a family." Minho bluntly responded.

"Look. You are in charge of your future. I will not force you to do anything you don't want to. Just remember you always have a place with the Avengers." Steve patted Minho on the back.

"Thank you. For everything." Minho said.

"Before I go, take this." Steve hands Minho a cellphone. It was ordinary to say the least, one of the classic flip style phones.

"What's this for?" Minho asked.

"In case I have to call you in the future." Steve smiled, before exiting the room.


WANDA HUGGED MINHO tightly in her arms, as the now black haired chuckled to himself.

"Are you sure about not staying behind?" Wanda asked.

"I think it's time for me to be on my own for a while." Minho answered.

"I'll miss you Minho."

"I'll miss you too Wanda."

"I always knew you loved my brother and that he loved you. I just wished you both said it at a time when you could be with each other." Minho faintly smiled before hugging Wanda again. Minho said his goodbyes to the others before following one of Tony Stark's bodyguards. Brought to a halt, he was finally facing Tony Stark. Surprisingly, Stark pulled Minho in for a hug and patted him on the shoulder.

"Sorry about everything kid." he said.

"I'm sorry we believed that you were a maniac." Minho apologised himself.

"Well, at least let bygones by bygones. If you change your mind kid, we could always use you on the team." Tony said. Minho knew he needed to go on his own. He had to go on his own path. Looking back one last time at the Avengers facility, he enters the car. He would not know if he would see this building ever again.



a/n: the end! thank you all for reading and supporting! it has been a long journey but it's finally over! so now, enjoy the epilogue and i hope to see you in the next story!

- 𝖙.𝖘

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