━━ chapter five.

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THE TRIP TO AFRICA was agonising the very least. The three enhanced individuals would meet up with their new partner Ultron, as he had other ways of transportation. For the twins and Minho, it was the typical mundane form of transportation. They found a way to stow away on a plane. It was thanks to Wanda for taking control over the pilot's mind. Minho pulled at the sleeves of his hoodie, feeling the cold air wrapping around his skin.

He shivered slightly, before lifting the hood to cover his head. Hugging himself to keep warm, Pietro takes a seat dangerously close to him. Minho shuffled uncomfortably away from him, as he felt his heart hammering in his chest. It grew more and more painful for Minho to keep away from Pietro. Minho did not want to risk anything, especially his friendship. Soon, he felt his feelings would pass on and everything will go back to the way it way.

"Are you still angry with me?" Pietro asked. Minho felt guilty. If only he could tell him how he truly feels.

"I'm not. I'm just not in the mood these days for unnecessary talks." Minho bluntly replied. Pietro sighed, heading back to his seat. The mint haired individual felt the silver haired staring at him, his eyes not leaving his figure. Minho knew the only way to avoid conversation was to sleep. He hugs his knees to his chest, leaning his head into the gap between his knees before slowly closing his eyes. It takes him a while to fully fall asleep but soon the darkness overtakes his body, lying flat across his seat.

The flashes of his past dance around in front of his eyes, as he stirs in his sleep. Soft mumbled leave his mouth as he soon feels himself being swallowed up by the darkness consuming his mind and soul. He jerks up, breathing heavily, as he blinks several times. It was dark out, as he noticed Pietro sleeping a few feet from him. Wanda noticed Minho getting up from his sleep. Moving away from her spot, she sits next to the mint haired individual. Her rests her hands in his, looking at him reassuringly. Minho could not look at her without feeling embarrassed by the feelings he was harbouring for her brother.

"Minho, please tell me what is wrong." she softly spoke. Wanda treated Minho as if he was her own child, worrying constantly about his wellbeing and happiness. He appreciated having her in his life.

"There's some things I cannot tell you. I'm sorry Wanda." Minho mumbled.

"It's about Pietro, isn't it?" Minho swallowed the heavy lump in just throat, his mouth dry as he takes large gulps of water.

"Wanda..." his voice trailed off.

"You can trust me." she slightly smiled.

"It's about him." Minho resigned to at least speak to her about Pietro.

"What exactly about him?" she asked.

"Whenever our hands touch or whenever he rests his hands on my shoulders, my heart begins to race and I get this weird feeling in my stomach. It's like the feeling of giddiness." Wanda simply smiled to herself, teeth poking out as she realised what Minho was feeling.

"Minho, I think you might be falling for my brother." she said.

"I think I am. This is not right." he rubs his hands over his face, exasperated by these feelings.

"There's nothing wrong with what you are feeling for him. I just...don't want you to get hurt. Pietro...I don't know how he would feel about it but know that I will support you no matter what." she hugged Minho tightly, as he rests his chin on Wanda's shoulder.


MINHO WALKED AROUND the empty house, his shoes echoing after each step he took. The air was cold and the house eerie. Panicking about being alone in the darkness, he tries to reach the front door. It was gone, what remained was a plain wall.

"Hello." a voice speaks behind him. It was him as a child. A match box in one hand and a match in the other. The older Minho's eyes widened as he lunges forward to grab the matches out of his younger self's hands. He was too late. He was surrounded by a curtain of flames, his younger self gone. He coughed violently as the smoke filled his lungs.

"No! I want to leave! Please!" Minho screamed through several coughs.

"I should've died as well." The voice. He remembered the voice. He looked behind him, seeing his mother. Tears in her eyes. Minho runs towards her, weaving through the flames. He kneels to his mother's level.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I should've died myself."

"Mother no!" her body turns into ash.

"STOP. PLEASE STOP!" Minho shouted out, before collapsing to the floor, darkness consuming his consciousness.


"MINHO! Wake up! Minho." Minho shoots up from his sleep, sweat coating his neck. Pietro held him by his shoulders, worry shown in his eyes.

"Where...what..." Minho stuttered.

"You had a bad dream. Are you okay?" Pietro asked, his hand holding the side of Minho's neck.

"I'm fine." Minho mumbled. His heart raced by the skin contact.

"Sleep by my side tonight." Minho stared at him in shock. He did not expect to hear something like this.

"Pietro...I'm okay...I don't..." Minho stuttered.

"No excuses." Pietro scoots next to Minho, covering themselves with a blanket.


"You're my best friend. I care about you. Now get some rest." Pietro soon began to feel his eyes close, soon falling off to sleep. Minho yawned, looking back at Pietro one last time before his lays his head on Pietro's shoulder. His hands wrapped around the silver hair's arm. He closes his eyes before soon sleep overtakes his body.

The nightmare did not return but what Minho felt the following morning after waking him, was something completely new. He wakes up to see himself clutching onto Pietro, face buried into his neck. Minho did not want to accept it but he wants to wake up that way for the rest of his life. He truly fell for Pietro Maximoff.



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