━━ chapter seven.

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MINHO TUMBLED to the side, spitting out blood from his mouth. His mouth was entirely filled with the crimson substance. Thor advanced towards, before soon Minho short circuited the lights around them in the compound, surrounding him and the God of Thunder in complete darkness.

"You might be able to control electricity boy but you are are no match for me." Thor boomed.

"I can try." Minho scoffed arrogantly, wiping his hand on his mouth, the streak of crimson blood staining his pearl skin. Bolts of electricity shoots out from Minho's fingers, as Thor dodges to the side, throwing Mjolnir towards Minho. His head spins, as Pietro grabs him from behind, zipping away to the other end of the compound.

"What the fuck, Pietro!" Minho growled at him.

"I'll handle the God, you stick to fighting Captain America." Pietro zooms away, rushing back and forth.

"Fucking asshole." Minho cussed under his breath. He side steps, as Steve Roger's shield flies towards him, quickly knocking Steve back with jolts of lightning. Minho channeled his powers, absorbing the energy from the lights around them. Steve slowly gets up on his feet, stretching his back out as he takes ahold of his shield once again.

"You don't have to do this kid." Steve walked towards him, chaos flashing around them.

"You don't know anything about me."

"Kim Minho, moved from Seoul, South Korea after a tragic accident..."

"SHUT UP!" Minho shouted out, before his enter body becomes encased in electricity. The power surging in every inch of his body, his eyes glowing white. Blades shaped from the current form around his hands, before throwing them towards Steve Rogers. The Captain brings up his shield to dodge the attack, before he is knocked backwards. Minho heavily breathes, rage filling his head. He did not notice Steve throwing his shield once again towards him.

Minho soon catches a glimpse of Pietro zooming past him, Pietro's fist impacting with Steve's face. The shield reached the barrier around Minho, deflecting the shield before it returned back to Steve Roger's possession. Pietro ignorantly grabs ahold of Mjolnir, thinking he could wield the weapon. However, he was thrown backwards with the hammer, his body impacting against the rusted railings, before he landed with a thud on the ground below.

"Idiot." Minho mumbled. He soon travels between the electrical fields of several electronics in the compound. Klaue's men were also on the attack, as several attempted to shoot at the enhanced individual. Minho formed an electrical energy sword, impaling several of Klaue's men. Minho watched as the blood seeped from the bodies. He blinks several times before realising what he had get done. The shield surrounding Minho fades away, as he stumbles to the floor. He combs through his hair, hands shaking. He quickly looks up to see Pietro getting knocked back by Steve Roger's shield.

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