━━ chapter thirteen.

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THE AVENGERS worked as one, fending off the sentry bots invading the church, in order to reach the core they were protecting. The three enhanced individuals, they were not expecting to be apart of something bigger. To have gone and volunteered for Hydra, gaining the powers they are currently using, to fighting alongside and being an Avenger themselves. Their lives will not be the same as it used to be.

Ultron and Vision engaged in a close fight, Ultron knocking Vision into the brick wall. Vision retaliated, shooting a beam of energy from the stone of his forehead, pushing Ultron out of the church.

"Follow me." Thor called towards Minho, as they both exit the church. Minho watched as Thor channelled the electricity in his hammer, before directing it towards Ultron. Minho understood what he to be done, as he bolts of electricity shoot out from both of his hands, directed towards Ultron as well.

"You are pathetic. I thought you were stronger than the twins." Ultron shouted at Minho.

"I'm not the monster you make me out to be." Minho remarked, gritting his teeth as he tries along with Thor, Vision and finally Tony Stark in weakening Ultron. The metal of Ultron's body melts through, as he was pushed further backwards. The body of Ultron sinks to the ground, twitching. Minho lowered his hands, dropping to the ground as his body was drained from the power he exerted.

Ultron limped towards the four of them, mouth ready to speak but was soon interrupted once Hulk throws a punch, as Ultron flies backwards through the air. Hulk glares at the sentry bots, before they retreat. Rhodes fires at the bots from the air, to prevent them from escaping the city. Vision joins Rhodes as the destroy the remainder of the sentry bots.

Minho joined Steve and the others back in the church, stumbling on his feet before Pietro catches up before he falls.

"You did well." Pietro smiled.

"I need to recharge." Minho panted.

"We have to evacuate. Head for the boats, I'll deal with the stragglers." Steve said.

"What about the core?" Clint asked.

"I'll protect it. It's my job." Wanda speaks up. Clint agrees as he and the others leave.

"Get the people on the boats." Wanda looks at her brother and Minho.

"We're not going to leave you." Pietro said.

"I can handle this." she said, shooting a red energy projectile at a sentry bot preparing to sneakily attack her.

"Stay safe." Minho said. Wanda nodded.

"Go." she said.

"Still can't travel?" Pietro asked Minho.

"I need a rest to recharge my powers." Pietro carries Minho on his shoulders, as the blonde rings his arms around the silver haired's neck.

"I got you." he said, speeding away.


PIETRO BRINGS MINHO to the transporter, helping him sit down. Minho winces in pain, trying to see if he could use his powers. Faint sparks sputtered out from his fingers, cussing under his breath.

"You did enough. Stay here while I gather the rest of the civilians." Pietro said. Before he could run off, Minho grabs ahold of Pietro's wrist.

"I'm sorry...about what I said." Minho apologised.

"It's alright."

"I..." Pietro instinctively kisses Minho on the forehead, quietening the smaller.

"I love you." he whispered to Minho before speeding away.

Clint joins the same transporter as Minho, smirking to himself once he laid his eyes on the blonde haired.

"You two are a thing?" he teased.

"Now is not the right time for that." Minho groaned in embarrassment.

"You should tell him how you feel before it's too late." Clint said. Minho looked around, before noticing Zrinka. Panic across her face, she calls out for Costel.

"It's her brother." Minho said to Clint. He nodded, exiting the transporter once he spotted Costel. Minho watches from afar as Clint carries Costel in his arms. Suddenly a quinjet from above shoots down at the ground. The jet heads closer towards Clint and Costel, Minho running out of the transporter. He tries to stop the quinjet by messing with the controls using his powers but he was completely drained and powerless at this moment.

His eyes widened once his sees a blur of blue running towards Clint. Pietro runs at super speed, shielding Clint and Costel from the bullets but in the process is impaled in several places of his body.

"No!" Minho screams, his feet running towards Pietro. Blood seeped through from the bullet holes along Pietro's body before the silver haired collapses to the ground. Minho scoops up Pietro, laying him on his lap.

"Pietro! Wake up please!" Minho shouts out, tears burning as they leave his eyes. The silver haired remained motionless, as Minho's hands were stained with Pietro's blood.

"Please! Don't die! Pietro!" Minho cries out. He tried to feel for a pulse but there was none. He sobs against the silver haired's chest, as Steve Rogers joins them.

"I love you too. I'm sorry for saying it so late." Minho mumbled, his voice cracking. Steve rests a hand on Minho's shoulder.

"Come on. We have to go. I...got him." Steve said. Minho removed himself from Pietro's lifeless body, as Steve carried Pietro in his arms towards the transporter. Minho followed him behind, staring at the blood covering his hands. Boarding the transporter, Steve rests Pietro's body on the floor. Minho sits next to Pietro's body, hugging his knees to his chest.

"I'm sorry." Clint apologised to Minho.

"It's my fault." Minho mumbled. He blamed himself for not being able to stop the quinjet Ultron was controlling. This was all his fault.



a/n: well one more chapter left before the epilogue! another story coming to an end. as always, thank you to my loyal readers and new readers for the support and i hope you will support my other stories as well!

- 𝖙.𝖘

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