━━ chapter nine.

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THE NEXT PART of the plan involved a visit at Dr. Helen Cho's laboratory. The famous geneticist worked at the U-Gin Genetic Research Facility. Minho's body felt a slight ache. The electricity in his body relaxed his muscles. He couldn't look at himself in the mirror without feeling guilty after knowing what he and Pietro did with each other the night before.

He was intoxicated and lost in Pietro's touch. Wanda noticed his distracted demeanour, approaching him. Minho smiled once seeing her familiar face next to him.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine. Just a little sore." Not to mention several love bites across his body.

"Pietro woke up in a bad mood so prepare yourself for that." Wanda warned him. Minho sighed. He knew what was the reason. After spending an intimate moment together and leaving before Pietro could even wake up. He knew that was the reason for the speedster's anger. In seconds, the silver haired zooms up to Minho's side. His hand brushes against the blonde's own. Minho moves away, trying to avoid Pietro's gaze.

"Why did you leave?" Pietro mumbled.

"Now is not the time, Pietro. We have other issues to resolve." Before Pietro could respond, Ultron appears. Joining the three enhanced individuals, they venture forward to U-Gin.

"It's your turn to show your true power." Ultron gazes towards Minho, the AI towering over the blonde haired individual.

"What do you need?" Minho asked, craning his neck upwards to look at Ultron.

"A way to get into the facility without garnering any sort of attention."

"I assume, short circuiting through their security?"

"You understand me well." a smirk forms on Ultron's face. Minho nodded before feeling Pietro's hand rest on his shoulder.

"Good luck." he mumbled. Minho swallowed the heaviness sitting in his throat. He could not think about Pietro and him. He had a job to do.


SPEAKING with several of her staff members, Helen Cho enters her private laboratory before being greeted by Ultron himself. A hint of fright clear on the woman's face, her voice caught in her throat by the sight of the AI.

"Scream and your entire staff dies." Ultron threatens her. She remained silent, listening to what Ultron had to say.

"I would have killed Helen the night we met but I didn't." Ultron said.

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