━━ chapter three.

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KICKING STONES, as his boots remained covered in sand. Staring up at the bleak grey sky, closing his eyes as he tried to calm his nerves. He was alone for the day, opting to walk around in the streets of Sokovia, watching the young families struggling after the riots destroyed the living lifestyle of the country. Ruffling his mint green hair, continuing to kick stones along the damaged tar underneath his feet. Minho rolled his eyes, seeing Pietro speeding away in the distance, pick pocketing food for the three of them to eat. Minho hated having to steal, it was the last thing he wanted to do.

After the attack by the Avengers a few weeks ago, Minho grew frustrated feeling they might have let Tony Stark get away with everything once again. It angered him to know the arrogant billionaire was still alive. Wanda soon walks up next to him, linking her arm with his. She follows Minho line of sight, leading to her twin brother.

"I don't like stealing as much as you do Minho but we have no other choice." she said.

"I wished we did." Minho mumbled.

"I wish so as well." The two walked together, past the market square. Pietro soon zoomed up to them, patting Minho on the back roughly, making the slender boy groan in annoyance.

"What's up with you Kim?" Pietro asked.

"Nothing." Minho sighed. Sometimes Pietro didn't know his own strength. The three individuals walked together, as Pietro smiled when he sees the young boy Costel running around with a new football. Minho knew Pietro stole it for the boy. It was a sweet gesture but he should be careful in the future.

"You know if you continue stealing, you will get shot soon." Wanda mumbled to him.

"I can handle myself. They wouldn't see me coming, either way." Pietro smirked.

"Keep the cocky attitude up and you'll definitely get shot." Minho scoffed.

"You're so mean today Minho. Fell off the wrong side of the bed today?"

"Fuck off. I'm not in the mood." Minho mumbled. The mint haired male could get away with cussing at the silver haired male. That's how their relationship was in general.

"Pietro." Wanda spoke.

"What?" he asked

"Looks who's at the market place today." Wanda smirked. Costel's older sister, Zrinka. Minho felt a sick feeling hitting the pit of his stomach, as he watched Pietro zoom away. Pietro was known for being a flirt, trying to woo several woman in Sokovia. Minho laughed whenever he could not get the attention of any girl. However, when it came to Zrinka, he couldn't help but feel annoyed whenever he sees her. This was not a normal feeling for Minho. Pietro soon appears next to Wanda and Minho, holding what seems to be a dress.

"You think she'll like it?" Pietro asked.

"Yeah...sure." Minho said half heartedly.

"You flirting with every woman in the city is unbelievable, Pietro." Wanda chuckled.

"Thanks so much for the help, you two." he groaned, speeding away. He appears next to Zrinka, a smile spreading across her face as Pietro hands her the dress. Minho felt the urge to throw up. He couldn't explain this feeling he was experiencing. It was something so new and foreign. Seeing Pietro, as he began to wrap his arm around Zrinka's waist, as they walked together. Minho was soon hit with what seemed to be jealousy. He did not know why he felt bitter but he did not want to continue seeing his friend flirting with girls. Turning on the heels of his boots, he walked away from the market place, Wanda trailing him as she tried to keep up with him.

"What's up? You seem very annoyed." Wanda said. Minho scoffed, shaking his head.

"It's nothing. Although Pietro flirting with every girl he lays his eyes on is quite on the nose." Minho remarked.

"I know. Sometimes I wish he stopped trying so hard and naturally let love or feelings come his way." Feelings. Minho thought about the words. Feelings. It was something that always circled his mind. Shaking away those thoughts, trying to reason with himself. No he cannot feel that way. It's not right. It's not fair to either one of them.

"Yeah...I agree." Minho mumbled. Wanda knew something was wrong but decided to keep her business to herself. She knew Minho would tell her if he needed to. That's how their relationship worked out.

"You okay?" she asked. Minho weakly smiled.

"Yeah. I'll be okay. I just need some alone time." Wanda nodded, heading back to the market place, leaving Minho alone. He needed air to breathe. He felt suffocated with the wild thoughts running through his mind and the bitterness of jealousy hitting his chest. Why would he be jealous of Zrinka and Pietro?

He was afraid to admit it to himself. He grew tense feelings towards his friend but he knew it was futile. Pietro would not feel the same. Sometimes he wished the speedster felt something for him as well. For now, that seemed like a dream.


PULLING AT THE HOOD of his jacket, hands stuffed in his pockets. He incessantly bit on his chapped lips, soon his tongue being greeted by the coppery taste of blood. Minho was one with little patience. He also gets moody from time to time. Sitting along the gravelly ground, chucking stones into the murky water. The stone skips four times before sinking to the bottom. Hearing footsteps behind him, Minho looks up to see Costel, the young boy Pietro frequently helps.

"Iron Man wants to see you, Pietro and Wanda at the church." he said. Minho's widened in surprise. Iron Man. Tony Stark.

"Thanks Costel." Minho said. The boy leaves Minho alone. In anger Minho chucks another stone into the water, the stone immediately sinking in the water. Charging up his powers, he travels between the electric lines. He dropped to the ground, soon as he spotted Wanda and Pietro walking together. He avoided Pietro's gaze, looking at Wanda instead.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"We have company." Minho said.

"Who?" Pietro is the one to ask.

"Tony Stark. He's at the church." Minho could see the anger clear across Pietro's face.

"Let's get this over and done with." Pietro muttered.



a/n: hi! can i just say the gif above of yoongi is so cute and i can't stop looking at it. mint green yoongi is the superior look! anyway, i hope you all enjoyed the new chapter. also can marvel just release the captain marvel trailer already. also shameless self promo but if you like bts, check out my other account rosetintedjimin for some bts fics. have to promote myself xD. anyway thanks for everything, love you all!

- 𝖙.𝖘

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