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MINHO LEAVES the trash bag by the curb of the pavement, stretching his back out. He felt as if a pair of eyes was staring at him from one of the apartment rooms in his building. It's not even been three months since he moved back to Seoul, hoping to not run into complete strangers. He missed having Wanda around, as it was the first time in years he was truly on his own. Maybe he should have joined the Avengers but he knew without Pietro, it would not be the same. 

He headed back into the apartment, fumbling with his keys. Slotting it into the lock, he pushes the door forward, until he notices the window slightly ajar. Someone entered his apartment. Electricity flowing out of his hands, he hears a creak behind him. Shooting a bolt of energy backwards, missing the individual who casually leaned his back against the wall.

"What are you doing in my apartment!" Minho yelled.

"Relax, Clint Barton told me to watch over you." he said, speaking in Korean.

"Who are you?"

"It's best you do not know my name...for now." he smirked.

"What do I call you then?" Minho scoffed.


"Isn't that a feminine name?"

"Artemis is a code name." Minho soon noticed the arrow tattoo running across the man's wrist. The young man seemed around his late teens, dark rings around his eyes. Arms marked with scars drawn across his skin.

"Just leave me alone."

"Welcome back to Seoul, Kim Minho." he smiled, opening the front door, leaving Minho's apartment.

"What a creep." Minho mumbled, slumping back onto the old couch.


"FINE, I'll do it myself." He clenched his fist, the gauntlet gleaming in the bright light. It was time for the quest to begin.




a/n: hello! so the faceclaim for artemis will be revealed in the character list for icarus so check it out! anyway hope you all enjoyed the story and thanks for all of the support as usual. until the next story!

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