━━ chapter eight.

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THE THREE ENHANCED INDIVIDUALS were making their way to Seoul, South Korea. Ultron was planning a visit to meet Helen Cho, a geneticist at U-Gin Genetic Research Facility. The trip to Seoul brought back more dark memories for Minho. He could not eat or sleep without thinking of the troubling memories of his past. He heads out of the motel he and the Maximoff siblings they occupied, strolling the populated streets of what was once his home.

His finger trace along the concrete trusses and feet dragging along the gravel underneath him. Hood of his jacket covering his hair, tongue running along the dried skin of his lips. Side of his face were now messed with small cuts, with one also along his bottom lip.

Minho still remembered the direction his parents walked everyday, when they picked him up from school. He missed them so much. He hated how he showed his weakest side in front of Pietro. He did not want to appear as the damaged boy in front of the silver haired out of everyone.

He stopped. The remains of his past. It was still lying there in a heap of ash and rubble. Breathing out heavily, a vapour cloud leaves his mouth. It was quite chilly during the early morning of Seoul.

"Why did you follow me?" Minho speaks up, turning back to see Pietro looking at him. The speedster zooms up to him, ruffling his silver hair.

"What is this place?" Pietro asked.

"I...can't tell you." Minho mumbled.

"You can trust me with anything Minho. Please." Pietro stared worryingly at Minho.

"Let's get back to the motel." Minho said. Pietro nodded in agreement.


THE WATER coloured green, swirls down the drain of the shower. The water cooled his body, relaxing his sore muscles. Closing the faucet of the shower, Minho exits the shower, drying his body and hair. The mint green colour from his hair was now washed away, replaced with blonde locks. Bags rested under Minho's eyes, as he stared at himself in the mirror. He couldn't shake the memories from his mind. Throwing on clothes, Minho hears a knock on the door of his room. Opening it, he sees Pietro on the other side, letting him inside. The two proceed to sit on the edge of the creaking bed.


THE ALCOHOL buzzed in Minho's veins, as the two male individuals lie across his bed, drinking bottles of cheap beer and talking non stop about their troubles. Minho did not open up yet about his past but listened to what Pietro had to say first. Someone who guarded his secrets. Someone who decided to open up to Minho about his life.

"What was the place you visited today?" Pietro asked. Soon the topic finally diverged towards the blonde haired. It was time for the truth.

"It was...my old home." Minho said.

"Before you moved to Sokovia?"


"What happened?" he asked.

"I was five. All I remember was playing with matches. I remember the match blowing out before my mother took the box of matches away from me. The house...it soon caught on fire. We managed to escape the blaze but it was my fault it started. I ruined my entire home and family."

"But your parents and you were unharmed. It was a simple mistake..."

"A simple mistake?" Minho darkly laughed.


"I'm the fucking reason we even moved to Sokovia. I'm the reason my parents lost..." Minho stares down at the ground.

"What did you lose?" Pietro asked.

"It's who and it was my brother. Sungho. He was a year old at the time. Just an innocent baby who had so much to look forward to in the future. But he's gone. I killed him. I killed my brother Pietro." Minho spat out, sobbing into his hands. Pietro wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, hugging him tightly to his chest.

"It's not your fault."

"But..." Minho protested.

"It's not your fault." Pietro repeated, his fingers brushing against Minho's cheek. Minho pulled away, hastily wiping away his tears.

"Now you know about my past." Minho mumbled.

"Minho...don't do this. Don't act cold towards me. I care about you." Pietro sighed.

"Why?" he sarcastically chuckled, continuing to wipe away his tears.

"What do you mean why?" Pietro confused.

"Why are you so worried about a damaged individual who acts like a complete dick towards others?" Minho asked.

"I..." Pietro was stumped and did not know what to say. This surprised Minho himself.

"Answer me!" Minho's voice raises in volume. Before he knows it, Pietro slots his lips into Minho's. Taken aback, Minho let the silver haired take control over the kiss. Pietro pinned Minho underneath him on the bed, before soon the two were locked in an intense make out session.

"My room..." Pietro mumbled against the blonde's lips.

"Please..." Minho begged. He has succumbed to his desires of being with Pietro.


COLLAPSING next to each other on the bed in an exhausted state. An intimate moment being shared amongst the two males. Soft pants filling the room. Pietro shifts closer to Minho, pressing a kiss to his forehead before drifting off to sleep. However, in the back of Minho's mind remained his guilt. He knew what he did was wrong. They were both intoxicated. He wouldn't remember in the morning. It wasn't pure love.

Staring affectionately at Pietro, watching the silver haired male sleeping peacefully. His fingers brushing through the thick strands. His heart ached after the moment they shared, knowing he should never bring himself to do this again.

"I'm sorry." Minho whispered, gathering his clothes. He knew this was a mistake but his thoughts and fantasies took control of his emotions and he let it happen regardless. This will be the last time either one of them will ever get drunk. The last for Minho to ever lose himself to Pietro Maximoff's affection.

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