━━ chapter six.

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THE LIGHTS SUPPLIED to the compound occupied by Klaue died out, as several workers stare around in darkness, confused by the turn of events. The lights of battery powered torches fill the room from the workers, slight panic raging between the men. Klaue watches from above through the wall length windows of his office, the look of irritation, clear on his face. This slowed his operations even further.

He senses someone watching him, staring into the darkness outside of his office space. He looks back, staring at the desk before his eyes land on his gun. Carefully taking it in his hand, pointing it towards the dark void in front of him. He fires a shot, before Pietro zips into the room, disarming Klaue in a second. Klaue watched in shock, as the bullet he fired sat on the metal table, next to the line of several bullet shells. Wanda and Minho move out from the darkness, as the three enhanced individuals stood together, staring at Klaue.

"You all are Strucker's prized pupils." he had a lazy smile on his face, unfazed by who was standing in front of him.

"You're oddly calm." Minho remarked, his fingers tingling from the electricity. Thanks to his powers, he was able to suck out all of the energy supplied to compound. He had enough electricity running through his body to be able to bring back the power, once Klaue cooperates.

"Want a candy?" Klaue soon holds out a dish filled with small wrapped pieces of candy.

Minho and Pietro look back at one another before staring back at Klaue, confused by his calm behaviour. It was truly puzzling to the three of them. Minho could see Wanda was not amused by this at all, wondering what she was thinking about at this very moment.

"Is this your first time intimidating someone? You three do not look intimidating." Klaue continued speaking.

"Everyone is afraid of something." Wanda finally spoke up, as Minho's eyes followed her every movement. She was the one with the words, he decided to leave her to speak for them. Klaue continued with his incessant talks of irrelevant nonsense as Minho's patience grew thin each second he spoke. He could see the bored look on Pietro's own face, before he zips towards the dish filled with the candy, as he opened the wrapper. Minho shook his head at him as Pietro shrugged innocently at the mint haired boy.

"If you're trying to interrogate me, I know you three are not who I'm dealing with and are not the ones in charge. I only deal with the man in charge." Klaue walked slowly towards the three of them. Ultron zooms up to the window, as Minho smirked to himself. Time for business.

"Well you're in luck. He's right behind you." Minho said. Klaue turns around before Ultron smashes through the glass, knocking Klaue backwards. Ultron towered over the frightened Klaue, the size difference quite noticeable.

"There is no man in charge. Let's talk business." Ultron spoke, his face inches from Klaue's. Minho watched from afar, as he sees Pietro nabbing another piece of candy.

"Really?" Minho sighed.

"Want one?" Pietro asked.

"Actually, yeah I want one." Pietro gave him the candy he just took before he went on to take another piece of candy from the dish. Minho couldn't help himself from smiling, popping the candy piece into his mouth.

"Really, you two?" Wanda rolled her eyes at them.

"It's actually, pretty good." Minho said, as Pietro ruffled his hair.


THE THREE INDIVIDUALS AND ULTRON watched as one of Klaue's men opened a special compartment unit, as the unit lowered downwards, revealing various capsules filled with the precious metal, Vibranium. Klaue handed a capsule to Ultron, as he spun it in his hand like a baton, before throwing it towards Pietro to hold. The silver haired male nudged Minho, showing him the capsule. The metal was beautiful to Minho's eyes.

"This came at a great personal cost. It's worth billions. Ultron simply chuckled at the statement, amused by Klaue's statement.

"And now you are as well." Ultron said. A buzzing noise sounded, as the worker handed Klaue the phone. The on stream of money transfers fill the small screen, a satisfied smile appearing on the mercenary's face.

"As I always say, keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which." Klaue recognised what Ultron had said to him.

"Stark." Klaue said.

"What?" Ultron looked at him. Minho, Wanda and Pietro looked back between the two, a worried look on their faces.

"Tony Stark used to say that. To me. You're one of his." Ultron grabbed him by his arm, as one of Klaue's men grabbed for his gun. Wanda used her powers, gaining control over his hand. She struggles to keep tight control over him, her eyes glowing red.

"You think I'm one of Stark's puppets. I mean look at me, do I look like Iron Man. Stark is nothing." Ultron's anger spikes, before bringing down his other hand on Klaue's arm, as the blade slices through his flesh. Minho jumped at the noise, Pietro holding his hand to calm his nerves.

"I'm here. It's okay." Pietro whispered to him. Minho removed his hand from Pietro's grasp, as he swallows the bile wanting to travel up his oesophagus. The stench of blood fills the air, Minho fighting back on the urge of throwing up. He cannot look weak in front of the others, especially Ultron. Klaue staggered backwards, breathing heavily as blood dripped from the stump of his arm. His left arm no more.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It's just that, I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark." Ultron said, kicking Klaue backwards as he rolled down the metal stairs. The man who Wanda restrained, follows Klaue down the stairs, helping his boss up on his feet.

"Stark is a sickness!" Ultron ranted. At the corner of Minho's eye, he watched as the silhouette of the Iron Man suit entered the compound.

"Aw, you're going to break your old man's heart." Tony Stark remarked. Next to him stood Captain America and Thor.

"If I have to." Ultron spoke. Minho, Wanda and Pietro stood beside Ultron, Minho channelling the electricity in his body, sparks sputtering out from his hands.

"We don't have to break anything." Thor said.

"Clearly, you never made an omelette." Ultron said.

"He beat me by one second." Tony looked back at Thor. Minho was surprised when Pietro walked forward.

"Ah this is funny, Mr Stark. It's what's comfortable, like old times." Minho looked in the direction Pietro was staring, as it lands on several weapons.

"This was not my life." Tony said.

"You three can still walk away from this." Steve Rogers spoke up.

"Oh, we will." Wanda smirked.

"I know you're scared."

"It seems you're scared, Captain." Minho remarked.

"What is the Vibranium for?" Tony asked Ultron.

"So should I explain my evil plan." Ultron chuckled, before knocking back Tony Stark with his repulsors. The fight has begun.



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