━━ chapter one.

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MINHO WANDERED the streets of Sokovia, bumping shoulders with various civilians. He needed time away from the twins to be on his own. It's been a year since they obtained their new abilities. Wanda became telekinetic while Pietro could run at super speed. Sometimes it annoyed Minho when Pietro steals his food at times. Minho however, doesn't hold it against him. The abilities that the young man himself received involved electricity. Electrical energy shoots out from his hands and he can also travel through electric current. It was handy for situations where protests on the streets got way out of hand.

Minho moved to Sokovia when he was a child, leaving his home country of South Korea. Like the twins, Minho lost his parents when a mortar shell from Stark Industries hit his house, killing everyone. He was not at home at the time. He came back to a building left in rubble, hearing the shells were the result of Tony Stark's company. This is what brought the three individuals together, sharing their hatred towards Tony Stark.

Pulling the hood of his jacket over his head, he was soon startled when Pietro zoomed up in front of him, the same cheeky smirk he always sported on his face. Minho chuckled to himself, as Pietro joined him as they walked together.

"You didn't see that coming." Pietro grinned. Despite being a serious individual most of the time, Pietro was always carefree around Minho.

"I swear, you've been saying that fucking line every time you use your super speed." Minho chuckled.

"Why did you go off without us?" he asked.

"I needed some air and alone time." Minho stuffed his hands in the pockets on his jacket.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, Minnie."

"When will you stop calling me Minnie? It's literally a girl's name." Minho mumbled.

"I think it's cute." Pietro chuckled.

"I still wonder why I'm friends with you." Pietro forcibly grabbed Minho's wrist.

"Don't ever doubt our friendship, Minho." Pietro looked at him, the dark gaze seen in his eyes. This was a first for Minho. He never really saw this side of Pietro and for some reason it intrigued him. An idea popped up in his head, focusing his power before a small shock hits Pietro by the skin contact between them. Pietro jolted backwards, fanning his hand. He scowled at Minho, who couldn't stop laughing. Pietro grabbed a hold of the slender man, carrying him in his arms as he runs at super speed. Stopping after a few seconds of running, Minho stumbled from the disorientation before running to the corner of a building and throwing up.

"Fuck you Maximoff." Minho gurgled.

"Serves you right Kim." Pietro smirked. Wanda laughed at the two men, leaning against a wall, staring at the two of them.

"Nice of you two to finally join me." Wanda said.

"It was Minho's fault." Pietro smirked, earning death glares from the shorter figure.

"Minho, can we talk?" Wanda asked.

"Sure." Minho seemed confused. Pietro followed behind them before Wanda suddenly stopped him.

"No no. I want to speak to him privately." Wanda said.

"Fine." Pietro mumbled, waiting further away from them. Wanda linked arms with Minho, as they strolled the market place. Minho always considered Wanda as a sister to him. She was very important to him.

"How's the headaches?" Wanda asked.

"Better. I think the more I learnt how to control my powers, the less painful it became."

"I'm glad. I just didn't want to mention them in front of Pietro. He gets sensitive when it comes to you, so if he heard about your headaches, he might overreact."

"I know." Minho sighs. Minho cared deeply about Wanda, considering her a sister to him. She was the first person to befriend him, before Pietro took a liking towards him. He knew he could count on the Maximoff twins to have his back whenever he was in danger or if he needed someone to talk to. Pietro whizzed up to the two of them, his silvery hair swept to one side due to running at super speed. Blowing the hair falling in his eyes, he cheekily smiles. Wrapping his arm over Minho's shoulders, the three of them walk together along the deserted Sokovian streets, remembering their days of protesting on the damaged gravel and tar. A surge of electricity pumps through Minho's veins, once Pietro touched him. He never felt this before.

"You okay?" Pietro asked.

"I'm good." Minho mumbled. Pietro sulked, knowing that Minho was hiding something from him.

"You kind of look good with the mint green hair." Pietro complimented him. Minho felt his face burning, heart beating faster than usual. Why did he feel this way all of a sudden?

"Thanks." Minho mumbled once again, before a shy gummy smile appeared on his face. He couldn't explain what he was feeling in that moment but for some reason it felt right.


THE THREE OF THEM watched as Strucker's men shuffled about in the Hydra Base, as the Avengers began their attack. Minho glared in the Baron's direction, grazing his teeth over his lips. Once word got out that the Avengers were in Sokovia, Minho and the twins rushed back to the base, as they watch the mighty heroes fight affectively through Strucker's men.

"We should be out there." Pietro murmured under his breath.

"Do you even think Strucker will allow it?" Minho huffed.

"I don't know and I don't care at this point." Pietro snapped. Wanda hushed them up, as the three of them eavesdropped on the conversation between Strucker and Doctor List.

"Let's show them what we have. Send them in." List insisted.

"My men can handle this." Strucker quickly looks towards the three of them, leaving List alone. Minho clenched his fists, the anger fuelling the power running through his veins.

"Come on." Wanda gestured for Pietro and Minho to follow her.

"Where are we going?" Minho asked. Wanda simply smiled, as Pietro also knew what she was planning.

"Time to meet the Avengers, Minho." she smirked.

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