━━ chapter twelve.

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PIETRO SPEEDS through the narrow alleyways, colliding with several Ultron sentries in the streets. Anger fuelling his powers, after witnessing what Ultron has done to Novi Grad. A sentry flies towards Steve Rogers, knocking him backwards. He landed on a heap of smashed cars, groaning as the pain reverberated through his bones.

"Cap, you got incoming." Tony said through his communicator.

"In coming already came in." Steve winced. The cap sits up to see Minho land in front of his, his body appearing a solid form after teleporting through electric lines. Surrounding himself with an electric barrier, protecting Steve and himself. He forms an sword around his fist, slashing his way through the sentries. Steve watched in astonishment. That was something completely new for him. Minho heavily breathed out, looking back at Steve underneath the blonde hair falling in front of his eyes.

"That's something." Steve said, as Minho outstretched a hand to him, pulling him up from the car he landed on.

"Trust me, it's something new for me as well." Minho smirked. Steve soon realised Minho was just a lost boy, confused with what his purpose was in life. Now he was thrown into this world, filled with chaos. No one should be forced into this life unless they accept it themselves.

"About Stark. I'm sorry about what happened to your family. Tony's past is not his future. You have my word." Minho stared curiously at the outstretched hand of Steve Rogers. He takes it into his own, shaking hands with the Cap.

"I misjudged you, Captain America." Minho said.

"So have I, Kim Minho." Steve said.


MINHO AND STEVE worked together with taking the sentries down one by one. Steve throws his shield, as it cuts through several sentries. Meanwhile, Minho's hands formed electric swords, slashing easily through the bodies of the sentries.

"Incoming!" Minho shouted out. Steve throws his shield into the air, Minho shooting a beam of electrical energy against it. The shield spinning in midair, emits electric lasers, hitting several sentries in one shot. Steve's shield returns to him, as Minho and Steve exchange gestures of good team work.

"That was kind of cool." Pietro zoomed up next to Minho, after knocking and colliding with several sentries on the way. More of the Ultron sentries soon surrounded them once again.

"Thanks." Minho smirked.

"Let's try something." Pietro grabbed ahold of Minho around his abdomen. Pietro spins at super speed on the spot. Minho shooting bolts of electricity from both hands, severing several of the sentries surrounding them. Stopping himself from spinning, Pietro places Minho back on the ground. The blonde haired grows dizzy, before throwing up.

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