━━ chapter ten.

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STEVE AND THE THREE ENHANCED INDIVIDUALS entered Avengers towers, only to be greeted by Tony and Bruce messing around with the cradle. Much to Steve's dismay, Wanda was right. Steve and Tony lock eyes with one another, an unpleased expression drawn across the Captain's face.

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve said.

"I'm nuts." Tony remarked.

"Shut it down." Steve demanded.

"Nope." Tony ignored Steve, continuing with his work.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve raised his voice.

"And you do? She's not in your head?" Bruce speaks up, glaring angrily at Wanda.

"I know you're angry..." Wanda moved away from behind Steve, showing herself. Minho and Pietro exchange worried glances at each other before showing themselves as well.

"I can choke the life out of you." Bruce threatened. Pietro clenched his fists in anger before being restrained by Minho.

"Don't." Minho mumbled.

"Banner, after everything that has happened..." Steve said.

"Nothing compared to what is coming." Tony interrupted Steve.

"You don't know what's in there." Wanda interjected.

"This isn't a game." Steve continued his argument. Minho and Pietro grew annoyed with the bickering, before Minho nudged Pietro.

"Remove all of the cables." Minho whispered to Pietro. The silver haired nodded, as he zoomed around the room, removing the cables around the cradle and the lab. Minho absorbed the electricity in the room, as everything was soon powered down.

"No no. Go on. You were saying?" Pietro remarked, tossing the pipe which was previously connected to the cradle. Minho smiled at Pietro's cockiness. Before anyone could respond, a bullet collides through the glass underneath Pietro and Minho. Pietro watches as the bullets flies past him in slow motion, before the glass underneath the two males shatters, as they both fall through it.

"Really..." Minho mumbled, pieces of glass cutting his hands, as small dots of blood seep out of the cuts. Minho sits up only to be greeted by the barrel of a gun against his forehead. Clint Barton aimed the gun at the blonde's head as he pressed his foot down on Pietro's leg, preventing him from using his speed.

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