The Truth Revealed

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The last thing I expected was to run into him, to come back into his life just when he was starting to find peace and happiness again.

What happened three years ago was traumatizing, not only for myself but for him and Ethan.

I was in a dark place then, high school was nothing but negativity and drama, something I couldn't handle very well.

It all drove me over the edge, literally.

That day still replays in the back of my mind, how I was so broken and beaten down that I thought dying was the only way to make it stop.

So I jumped.

And that's where things get a bit foggy, not only for myself, but for everyone else around me.

"I know you don't want to talk about it, but it's been three years Aspen, we want answers about that day. Nothing fucking makes sense." Grayson spoke, his words coming out strangled as I let out a defeated sigh, I knew this day would come eventually.

Grayson, Ethan, and I were sitting around a small table in the corner of a coffee shop, isolated from other college students.

"You owe it to us." Ethan added on, his face stern as you nodded in response, taking a big gulp of your caffeinated beverage.

"You're both right. You guys deserve the truth. No more hiding." I spoke, my voice quiet as I interlocked my fingers together, resting them on the table.

"The day I jumped, I did actually fall into the water, and from what Ethan told me you did jump in after me Grayson, that is true." I explained, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Then.. W-Why did I believe you were dead?" He whispered, his eyes sad as he gazed at me from across the table.

"When I jumped, I almost died, my body went into shock, and by the time I made it to the hospital I was already in a coma, however, when you jumped in after me, you hit your head on the rocks below the water." I continued to explain, my eyes glancing over towards Ethan as he nodded for me to continue.

"And because of that, you were rushed to the emergency center where they put you into a coma that way your brain could heal mentally and physically." I tried my best to explain to him, his eyes widening at the new information being told to him.

"So what are you saying exactly?" Grayson swallowed thickly, his hands balled into fists as he stared me dead in the eyes.

I let out a deep breath, tears pricking my eyes as Ethan shifted in his seat.

"Because of your head injury, your mind tried to cope with how you were emotionally feeling, and since your last memory was me jumping and you going in after me, your mind created a false reality in your brain." I bit my lip hesitantly, watching his brows furrow, his mouth opening and closing multiple times.

"You couldn't have done anything different bro, your mind was trying to help you, having Aspen die in your head was what brought you back to life." Ethan added on, trying to help me out a bit.

"So did I ever actually graduate or was that all fake too?" Grayson questioned, his mind swirling.

"You did graduate, that was real." Ethan confirmed, nodding his head as Grayson just looked confused.

"But if that's the case then you.. you knew this whole time she was alive.. and you didn't even tell me?" Grayson growled out, turning to face his brother.

"I wasn't allowed to Gray, mom and dad told me I couldn't." Ethan defended himself, as Grayson scowled at him.

"It's true Grayson, when I woke up it was after you had already graduated, your parents came by to see how I was doing and then they told me it was for the best that I stay away from you." I quickly jumped in, backing up Ethan as Grayson shook his head in disbelief.

"I don't blame them from keeping me away.. I was bad for you just like you were bad for me." I admitted sadly, it was the truth, who dates their bully anyways?

"It wasn't their choice to keep me away from you! I had a right to know if you were alive or dead and they let me believe you were dead! And so did you Ethan! You're my brother, we tell each other everything.. or at least I thought we did." Grayson ranted, his hands becoming fists.

"I was just doing what I thought was right, you were finally becoming happy again, but once we started college I saw Aspen around the campus. I was shocked to say the least, I didn't know she applied to the same school as us." Ethan explained, looking between Grayson and I.

"When I saw her I knew that I had a choice to make. Either go behind mom and dad's backs and tell you she was here and alive, or, continue to let you live in this fucked up fantasy world that she was dead." Ethan continued, laying his hands out as he spoke.

"I ended up going with my gut and telling you a pretty girl was checking you out." Ethan confessed, causing Grayson's eyes to widen now realizing the whole set up.

"You acted as if you didn't know it was her to convince me to go talk to her." Grayson whispered, his eyes flickering up to meet yours.

"You needed to know the truth." Ethan nodded his head as he looked at me.

"You both needed to know the entire story." I agreed, biting my lip slightly as I played with my fingers anxiously.

"If what you're saying is true, why are you acting as if there's more to this than we know about?" Grayson questioned skeptically, his brow raising as Ethan gave me a questioning glance.

"Because there is more, and you're both not going to like it." I confessed, meeting both their stares.

This was only the tip of the ice berg.

WOOOOOOO first part of Dolan Bullies: This Is The End Sequel!!

Hopefully this part answered a lot of questions people had.

I will be trying to update as frequent as I can, I've been pretty busy lately so it really all depends on when I have time. Hope yall don't mind!!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this part, I promise as time goes on it'll get better, this was basically just a filler piece.

Love you guys xx❤️

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now