Back Where It All Started

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Aspen's POV

New Jersey

I got out of the yellow taxi, thanking the man and giving him a tip. I was back home, the place where it all began.

I couldn't help but look around the neighborhood, it was quiet, the only sound were the birds chirping and the faint noise of the taxi driving away down the street.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh, I wasn't ready to have to face the twins yet, mainly because I knew it'd be one of the hardest things I've ever done.

New Jersey will always be a lockbox full of memories. Some of them good, but the rest not so much.

I ran my fingers through my hair, deciding to finally go inside my home. I knew my parents were eager to see me, and if I'm being honest I was excited to see them too, I missed them so much.

I opened the door to my home, calling in to announce my presence so they wouldn't think I was some sort of intruder.

"You guys are home right?" I called throughout the house, until I saw my parents turn around the corner, instantly engulfing me in a hug.

"Did you really think we'd go somewhere on this special day?" My mom questioned as my dad laughed in response.

"Yeah we decided to go on vacation, totally forgot you're coming home." My dad mused, a teasing smile on his face as I scoffed dramatically.

"I see how it is then." I laughed, as we all broke away from the hug.

"I have missed you both a lot." I smiled at the both of them as they smiled back.

"It hasn't been the same around here without you Aspen." My mom rubbed her arm, a sad smile on her lips.

"However," My dad chimed in, "I know you were having so much fun in California, Kian better be taking good care of you." My dad pointed a finger at me as I laughed.

"Yes, don't worry dad he is." I shook my head in amusement as my dad smiled and nodded his head.

"Well, we can do more catching up later, I happen to know two boys who have been waiting to see you." My mom stated, giving me a look as I nodded in response.

With that in mind I went upstairs to put my suitcase in my room, an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

I know they wanted to see me, to figure out what's going on, but I just wasn't ready yet.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, already knowing it was probably one of the twins messaging me.

I took my phone out, seeing Grayson's name on my screen. Hesitantly I opened the message, a small smile appearing on my lips.

Grayson: hey, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay.

I closed my phone, not wanting to answer just yet, but I couldn't help but find it sweet that he had messaged me.

Things between the two of us were different now, yes we once had a romantic connection, but that was over now. I've moved on and I'm hoping he has too.

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now