Trust Issues

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I was so stupid to believe things were different now.

I had slight bit of hope that Grayson and Ethan had changed.

But now it was clear, they haven't.

I felt like a fool believing Grayson.

I always tried seeing the good in people, even when they didn't deserve it.

I liked to think that people could change for the better, but now after all this time I've realized people only change if they're willing to.

Grayson and Ethan?

They were not.

"Aspen please open the door." Kian pleaded, knocking against the wooden door.

"I know you're upset, hell I'm pissed, but I just want to make sure you're alright.. so please.. just open the door—" Kian's eyes widened slightly when you unlocked the door and swung it open.

His eyes trailed over my broken exterior, a sad smile appearing on his face as he hugged me.

I felt numb.

"Lets go out and get some lunch yeah? Maybe some fresh air will perk ya up a bit." Kian smiled, rubbing my back gently as I shrugged my shoulders.

I ended up going with him anyways, today was his last day in Jersey before he went back to California.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do once he left, he was here for me when I needed him most and now he's leaving.

"What would you like miss?" The waitress questioned, snapping me back into reality as I blinked a few times, quickly apologizing before ordering my food.

The waitress, who's name was Martha, thanked us before heading off to the kitchen, leaving Kian and I.

"Isn't this nice? Lunch with your brother." Kian tried to start up a conversation, making me smile and nod in response.

"Aspen I know you're hurting, but it's my last day here and I don't want to have my last memory seeing you down." Kian sighed, making me sigh also, he was right.

"I'm sorry." I apologized once more, internally rolling my eyes at myself.

"It's alright." Kian smiled softly, as I took a sip of my glass of water.

"It's just hard you know?" I spoke up, my eyes trained on the glass of water as Kian leaned forward on his elbows.

"I-I can't trust anyone anymore.. just you and mom and dad." I sniffled, giving him a sad smile as his eyes softened.

"Mackenzie was a fake friend and Grayson and Ethan were my bullies.." I sighed, "Are my bullies." I corrected myself, my brows furrowing.

"They aren't worth your time Aspen, none of them are." Kian tried to reason with me but all I could do was laugh.

"That's easy for you to say, I'm still in love with Grayson Kian!" I cried out, a tear trickling down my cheek as Kian's eyes widened.

That's just great, now he knows.

"You're what?" Kian questioned, his voice coming out strained as I licked my lips nervously.

"Nothing." I mumbled, avoiding his hard gaze as he nodded slowly.

"How can you still be in love with someone who made you want to die? Someone who bullied you!" Kian questioned, his voice rising as I cringed at his words.

"I can't help how I feel Kian." I whispered, glancing up at him as he gave me a hard look, the waitress not noticing the tension between us as she sat our food down, telling us to enjoy our meal.

As if.

This whole lunch was ruined before we even entered this place.

I awkwardly picked at my food as we both ate in silence.

Could this get any worse?

I glanced up at Kian just in time to see the door open to the restaurant, my eyes widening at who was walking in.

Did the world feel like punishing me today?

Kian noticed me tense up, raising an eyebrow before he looked over his shoulder, his jaw clenching at the sight of the twins.

"They have some fucking nerve comin' in here." Kian growled out, making me flinch out of old habit.

Unfortunately I locked eyes with Grayson, his face expression unreadable as he nudged Ethan motioning over towards Kian and I.

Noticing them start to walk over I averted my gaze to the window, trying to seem interested in anything else but them.

"Aspen, we need to talk." Grayson's voice rang through my ears, causing me to shut my eyes tightly.

"There's nothing to talk about." I spoke through gritted teeth, refusing to turn around.

Ethan looked at Grayson with a concerned expression, whilst Grayson let out a sigh of defeat.

"I think you guys should go." Kian all but threatened them, making both of their heads turn.

"Oh. Hey Kian, didn't know you were back in town?" Ethan tried to play it off cool, his nerves increasing now realizing he was here.

"I just need to talk to her, please." Grayson begged as Kian squinted his eyes at him.

"Haven't you both done enough?" Kian spat at them, watching their expressions falter a bit as I continued to look out the window.

"If you'd just let us explain—" Grayson pleaded but I was quick to turn around, stopping him from talking.

"What's there to explain Gray? Just own up to what you did! You told the whole campus about the incident, you told them about our relationship, and now you publicly humilated me on social media." I cried out, tears trailing down my cheeks as they both stood there stunned.

"Aspen.." Ethan pleaded, shaking his head as Grayson continued to stand there stunned.

"It wasn't us." Ethan tried to explain, but Kian was done with their bullshit and all their lies.

"Yeah alright, it's time to go." Kian stood up, crossing his arms as Grayson and Ethan gave me a pleading look.

"You have to believe us." Grayson tried once more, taking my hand gently in his.

I stared at our hands together, how they both fit perfectly in together making my heart ache.

"I want to so badly Gray.." I whispered, looking up at him through my lashes.

"But I can't.. I-I don't trust you anymore.. I'm sorry." I whispered, bringing our hands up to my lips as I gave the top of his hand a soft kiss.

Kian left some money on our table for our waitress as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I hesitantly glanced back over my shoulder, seeing both Grayson's and Ethan's broken expressions.

This time, I won.

Or so I thought anyways.


I'm updating like crazy rn because I want to get to the good part ahahah.

This is all leading up to something bigger.

I'm curious if you all can see what I'm up to or not 🤔🤔

Anyways, this book already has over 600+ reads which again, is crazy!!! I literally just started this a few days ago so thank you all so much!!

Love you guys xx ❤️

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