Hello Old Friend

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I couldn't believe what just happened.

Grayson really just left me for someone like Charlotte.

I quickly snapped out of my daze when I felt Ethan's hand touch my arm.

"Aspen lets get out of here yeah?" Ethan gently grabbed my arm, tugging me along with him.

"Have I really been such a fool this whole time?" I whispered, looking up at Ethan, tears brimming my eyes.

"Hey, hey, no. You haven't been a fool, Grayson is just being a douchebag." Ethan spat, rolling his eyes as he continued to walk with me.

Silence quickly fell over the both of us, I knew he could tell I was internally overthinking, which was true, I was.

"Did he ever really love me? Or was that just a game too?" I glanced up at him, watching his expression to change from rage to shock.

"Of course he did. He still does. Which is why I'm confused on what just happened back there." Ethan answered honestly, my heart fluttering slightly knowing Grayson still loved me even though he acts like he doesn't.

"I bet Charlotte had something to do with it, she seems like someone who enjoys causing trouble." Ethan narrowed his eyes, as you shrugged your shoulders.

"Is it even worth caring anymore? Maybe I should just move on. He clearly did." I grumbled, wiping a tear off my cheek.

Ethan stayed silent for a few moments, making me begin to feel a bit anxious.

What was he thinking about?

"Don't give up on him, we never gave up on you." He smiled softly, opening the door to the building.

"I'll see you soon." He smiled once more before leaving me on my own.

This whole thing was a disaster.


The rest of the day went by extremely slow, as if the universe was punishing me.

The only good thing was I was able to go home now, my classes for the day were over.

I walked down to where I parked my car, only to freeze when I saw who was leaning against it.

"W-What are you doing here?" I stammered, not moving a muscle as she bit her lip hesitantly.

"I wanted to see you. To apologize." She responded, fiddling with her fingers as she glanced around the campus.

"Yeah right. Why would I ever believe you?" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Because we're best friends." She responded as if it was obvious.

"And, you don't know the whole story, you only know the half that everyone has been telling you, but you don't know my half, the truth." She pleaded, getting off the car and taking a few steps towards me.

"I just want to talk, please." She begged, her eyes pleading for me to give her a chance.

Deep down she was still my best friend, the one who protected me from my bullies, but then on the flip side she was also a bully to me.

But I also wanted to hear her out, to know her half of the story.

Then I could decide if I should let her back into my life or not.

"Alright. We can talk." I finally spoke after a few minutes of thinking, watching her eyes light up happily.

"Great! Um, where can we go?" She glanced around the campus as I let out a sigh.

"We can go to a coffee shop around the corner, it seems to be the place where I have all my conversations with people." I gave a slight smile as she nodded, while I walked over to my car, unlocking the doors.

"It's really nice to see you again Aspen." She smiled softly, as she buckled her seatbelt.

I stared ahead at the students walking around the campus, before glancing over at her.

"It's nice to see you again too Mack."

Hello lovelies!!❤️

Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been busy. I'm also sorry this is such a short part, I just wanted to post something for you all. I promise it'll get better from here on though!

Also Mackenzie is bacckkkk, uh ohhhh!

Love you guys xx

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now