The Other Boy

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Aspen's POV

2 months later.


It was an emotion I never thought I'd feel again.

I'd been staying with Kian for the past two months now.

I realized in that short period of time that California was good for me, it lifted a weight off my shoulders that had been holding me down for what felt like years.

I also got a job at a cute coffee shop a couple blocks away to pay for my food and to give Kian and Jc rent money for letting me stay with them.

Of course they both fought me on giving them money, saying that I'm family and that I didn't need to, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

I also got closer with their friend group, everyone was super nice and friendly, accepting me quickly which meant a lot to me.

I finally fit in for once.

It was a warm feeling, I finally had real friends, people who cared about me, who wanted me to succeed in life, to be happy.

The longer I spent here with everyone the more I dreaded thinking of going back to New Jersey.

I knew that what I needed to do wouldn't be easy, so many hearts are caught in the crossfire.

I let out a sigh, staring blankly at my floor as I thought everything through my head.

I didn't want to go back home, not even one bit, I wanted to stay here where I was happy, surrounded by people that loved me.

"Aspen, are you ready for me to drop you off?" Kian's voice filled your room as he walked in, a smile on his lips until his eyes landed on you.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Kian walked over to you, seeing your glum expression as you shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't want to go back. I like it here." You admitted, seeing a faint smile appear on his face.

"It's only temporary, you know that." Kian rubbed my shoulder as I frowned.

"That's the thing though Kian, I don't even want to be there temporarily, I hate it there, the only good thing about New Jersey is that mom and dad are there." I vented out as Kian sighed, his expression falling.

"It'll only be a month sis, you can do this, I believe in you, we all do, especially a certain someone." Kian smirked, making my cheeks heat up and whack his arm.

"Oh my god, shut upp, you're so annoying." I laughed, making him chuckle in response as he offered his hand out to me, which I gladly accepted.

"Alright, now that we had this amazing talk," He teased, making me roll my eyes in response, "Are you ready to go?" Kian flung his keys around on his finger as I laughed and nodded in response.

I grabbed my purse, along with my phone and my apron, tying my hair up in a ponytail as I trailed behind Kian.

"I'll be back in a couple mins, taking Y/N to work!" Kian shouted to whoever was in the house, hearing a couple voices respond back.

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now