The L.A. Life

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Aspen's POV.


"It's so nice to see you again Aspen, been too long." Jc grinned, giving me a hug, making me laugh and hug him back.

"I know! How have you been? Has Kian been annoying you anymore than usual?" I laughed, as Jc laughed as well.

"I've been good, kind of stressed, but also excited, Kian and I have been filming a lot recently for a series on our channel." Jc explained, walking over to grab some papers.

"Oh wow, that's awesome!" I smiled, walking over to look at some of the plans he had wrote up.

"Yeah, it's been really fun so far." Jc smiled as he looked over at me, as Kian entered the room.

"Aye, you gotta be careful around her, show her anymore and she'll steal our idea." Kian teased, making me roll my eyes and Jc laugh.

"Oh yeah totally, I have so much energy and money to do what you both are doing." I nodded my head dramatically, sarcasm in my voice as Kian amd Jc both laughed.

"Man, I've missed you Aspen." Kian smiled, pulling me into a tight hug, making me smile as well.

"I've missed you more, I have so much I need to tell you." I mumbled into his shirt as he pulled away.

"Let's go talk then," Kian motioned towards the door as you nodded in response.

"I'll see you later Jc." I smiled, waving to him as he waved back, before heading out of the house to go talk to the film crew.

"So, what's been going on?" Kian questioned while trying to find an empty room.

"A lot actually." I sighed, following Kian into a room that wasn't occupied, taking a seat on the couch as he sat down next to me.

Kian motioned for me to continue, making me let out a sigh.

"So, Mackenzie is back in the picture, turns out she has some sort of split personality disorder and her name is Carly and she absolutely hates me and tried to kill me." I spoke rather quickly, watching Kian's eyes widen.

"Then there's Ethan and Grayson, I'm not really sure where I stand with them." I admitted, "One minute they're nice then the next they aren't and I feel like I'm in High School all over again, but to top it off I'm also being harrassed by what was once my best friend." I frowned, slouching forward a bit as Kian rubbed his chin.

"Do you still have feelings for Grayson?" Kian spoke up after a few minutes of processing everything I said to him.

"I.. I don't know, maybe?" I shrugged as he nodded slowly in response.

"Carly had mentioned to me before she tried to kill me that she said that I was dating Ethan and that she was going to tell Grayson." I rolled my eyes, just saying her name made me infuriated.

"Do you have feelings for Ethan?" Kian gave me a look, making me laugh.

"No way." I looked at him in disbelief, what kind of question is that? Having feelings for Ethan?

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now