Nothing Can Hold A Psychopath

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Aspen's POV

They deserved to know the truth.

The whole truth.

"What else could there be that is any worse than what you just told us?" Grayson questioned, looking at me with a skeptical expression.

"I thought mom and dad already told me everything?" Ethan chimed in, his brow raised as his face remained stone cold.

"They left out a major piece of information, or should I say a major problem." I rolled my eyes a bit, sitting up straighter in my chair.

"And what problem would that be?" Grayson pressed on, making me bite my lip in response.

"Oh god please tell me you're not pregnant." Ethan blurted out, eyes wide as saucers as Grayson choked on his drink, my eyes widening as well.

"Good lord Ethan no!" I shook my head, looking at him with an incredulous expression.

Why would he even think that?

Grayson and I had never slept together.

"Well thank god for that." Ethan huffed out, running his fingers through his messy curls.

"Just get to the point before he says another idiotic thing." Grayson rolled his eyes as he glared at his twin.

"I would just like to state I just found out about this from my parents, so it's kind of shocking yours didn't tell you either.." I paused, taking a deep breath before continuing on.

"Mackenzie escaped." I stated bluntly, looking at the both of them.

"W-What do you mean she escaped?" Ethan stammered, brows furrowed.

"Wasn't she sent away to a camp to get some sort of help or something?" Grayson questioned as I nodded my head.

"She was getting help. Apparently she was doing really well, they had put her on some medication to help keep her stable." I explained, clasping my hands together.

"But then a few weeks went by and they noticed her behavior change back, she started to become violent and possessive, almost to the point of her becoming dangerous again." My words coming out a bit hushed, not wanting anyone to hear.

"So what happened? Did they give her a new medication? Or.." Grayson spoke up, his jaw clenched as Ethan rubbed his face in frustration.

"They were going to yes, but when they went to go give her them she was nowhere to be found. They searched the whole camp, but she was gone." I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in.

"They found all her medication she was supposed to be taking in a plastic bag hidden in her pillow. They counted them all out and from what they told my parents.." I paused, rubbing my chin anxiously as they both looked at me intently.

"She had been off her meds for three weeks." My voice a bit strangled as I spoke, their eyes once again widening.

"No wonder she became a psychopath again." Ethan muttered, leaning back against his chair, his arms crossed.

"Did they find anything else? A clue to where she was heading?" Grayson managed to ask, unsure if he even wanted to know or not.

"They said they found three letters randomly put throughout her room. One was an A, one was a G, and one was an E." I whispered, chills going up my spine.

"The first initial of all our names.." Grayson mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"But the thing that made them all worried, and why they called my parents to tell me is that the E was normal, the G had a heart around it, and the A... The A was crossed out, and had a switchblade stabbed right in the middle of it." I choked out, unable to hold back my emotions any longer.

"She's out to get you, to get us." Ethan spoke up, looking at Grayson and I.

"But how can we stop her if we don't even know where the hell she is?" Grayson added on, as you shrugged in response.

"I have no idea, all I do know if she's off her meds, she's not thinking clearly, and she's dangerous and manipulative." I looked at the both of them as they nodded in understanding.

"Has she tried to contact you at all?" I focused my attention on Grayson, his eyebrows rising.

"No? Should I have?" He answered my question with a question as I once again shrugged my shoulders.

"She has a thing for you. Always has. I was too blind to see it at the time." I shook my head, a bitter laugh leaving my lips.

"Hey, she got all of us to believe she was a good person, you aren't the only one she hurt." Ethan chimed in, placing a his hand on mine, causing me to smile slightly.

"She used all of us Aspen." Grayson all but growled out, as I nodded in response.

"And she's probably going to try and do it again." Ethan added on, as you let out a sigh.

They were right.

Mackenzie is crazy, and super manipulative, one way or another she'll get what she wants, no matter the cost.

"It's nice to finally have answers." Grayson admitted, as I smiled sadly at him.

"I'm sorry it took so long to finally give you some." I apologized, placing my hand on top of his as his eyes softened.

"I hate to break this up, but I just want to ask this question now and get it over with.." Ethan butted in, grabbing both of our attentions.

"Are you two ever going to date again?" He asked, as Grayson turned to look at me while I looked at him.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Grayson spoke up after a few minutes, as I nodded along with him.

There was still a slight chance things could work.

But so much has changed.

This wasn't a high school love anymore.

Grayson and Ethan eventually had to leave, saying goodbye as they left, leaving me to think everything over.

It was the right choice.

I owed it to them.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I almost missed the sound of my phone buzzing on the table.

Thinking it was my parents I picked it up, opening the message just to be met with something I least expected.

Blocked Number
He's never going to love you. You're a disgrace to everyone and life in general. Do everyone a favor, and finish what you started slut. - C

My eyes ran over the text what felt like a million times, I could feel my throat becoming sore from holding back tears.

My hands shook slightly as I held my phone.

I was so stupid to think it was actually all over.

Hello everyone!!❤️

I hope yall are enjoying the story so far!!

There's more drama and angst to come!!

Love you guys xx

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now