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I glanced down at my phone, the device vibrating on my nightstand, causing my brows to furrow.

It was almost 2am, 'who would be calling me at this hour' I thought to myself.

I let out a groan as I reached across to grab my phone, the light from the phone causing me to squint as I looked to see who was ringing me at this hour.

I felt my heart stop beating for a second, my eyes widening as I stared at the screen.

Call from: Mackenzie

I couldn't help but blink a few times, I wasn't dreaming right? This was real?

I hesitantly answered the call, placing my phone against my ear, chewing on my bottom lip nervously.

"Hello?" I questioned quietly, twirling a piece of my hair around my index finger.

"Aspen?" She spoke through the phone, her voice a bit distance.

"Yeah, what's up Mack? Everything alright?" I questioned, my heart thumping in my chest as I waited for a response.

It felt like eternity before she answered, causing me to become even more worried.

What was she doing?

Was she alright?

"I'm not sure how I got here.." She whispered through the phone, her voice wavering, on the verge of crying.

"Got where Mack? Where are you?" I questioned, panic in my voice as I sat up in my bed.

"I-I'm not really sure, it's dark, I can hear water crashing." She sniffled, her words coming out breathy.

"I think I know where you are, stay there okay? Don't move. I'm coming to get you." I quickly spoke through the phone, putting on my vans on and grabbing my car keys.

"Stay on the line with me okay?" I spoke through the phone quietly, sneaking out of my room as I headed down the stairs, doing my best not to make a sound to wake my parents.

I opened the front door as quiet as I could, unable to stop a few creaking noises, but I managed to get out the door.

I jogged over to my car, starting it up and heading down the road.

"It's so cold here." Mackenzie spoke through the phone, causing my heart to break at her voice.

"I'm coming, just hang on for me okay?" I reassured her, driving as quick as I could, not wanting to go too fast in case of totaling the car.

After driving for what felt like forever, I finally arrived at the all too familiar grassy area.

Parking the car as quick as I could, I jumped out, putting my flashlight on, on my phone, searching the area.

"Mack! Mack where are you?" I shouted, squinting my eyes a bit, the darkness making it harder to see even with the flashlight.

"Mack!" I shouted once more, walking further into the grassy field.

"Aspen!" I heard Mackenzie's voice, causing me to stop moving and look around, trying to figure out where her voice was coming from.

"Where are you? I can't see you!" I shouted back, looking around in every direction, until I spotted a figure near the trees.

"Mack!" I shouted, sprinting over to her, my legs starting to burn from how fast I was running.

Within seconds I was standing in front of her, pulling her into a tight hug as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I got you, you're alright." I comforted her, as I felt her body shake.

Except this time it wasn't from sobs, this time it was laughter, causing me to shove her back.

I stepped back, looking her over as she gave me a smirk, causing my body to freeze.

"You tricked me.." I whispered, a tear slipping down my cheek as she let out a dark laugh.

"In my defense, it wasn't that hard." She shrugged, grinning at me as I glared at her.

"You're so gullible Aspen, you always have been." Carly snickered, shaking her head in amusement as she began to circle around me slowly.

"I have not!" I shouted at her, a few more tears falling down my face as she rolled her eyes.

"Really? Then how come you turned Grayson down? Are you really over him? Or was it because I told you, you were better off without him?" Carly pressed, causing my fists to clench in rage.

"You bitch." I snarled, gritting my teeth as she smirked in satisfaction.

"How would Grayson feel knowing that you're dating Ethan behind his back?" Carly questioned, raising her eyebrows as I glared at her once more.

"Or better yet, how would Ethan feel knowing that you don't even love him, that you're just using him to get back at Grayson, because deep down, you still love him." Carly spoke, giving me a pouty face as I gritted my teeth.

"You're never going to be with him." I stated firmly at her, making her stop walking and send a glare at me.

We both stood in silence, waiting for one of us to make the first move, both of our bloods boiling in pure hatred and rage towards one another.

Carly raised a brow at me, causing me to narrow my eyes at her, before she came charging towards me.

Carly swung at my face, but luckily enough I managed to dodge it in time, causing her to let out a frustrated scream.

As more time went on, I began to lose track of how long I had been fighting her, both of our faces bleeding, bruises forming on our arms, legs, and faces.

"You stole him from me!" She shouted, sending me a death glare as I glared at her back.

"No I didn't! Maybe if you weren't a psychotic bitch he would've given you a chance, but you ruined that for yourself!" I screamed at her, causing her to let out a low growl.

And before I even had a chance to process what was about to happen, I felt her hands shove me with everything she had, causing me to stumble, throwing my balance off as I slipped on the loose dirt near the edge of the cliff.

My arms flailed in the air, my eyes wide in fear as I fell backwards off the cliff, my hands attempting to grab onto a branch of some sort.

Screams left my mouth as I continued to fall, before my hand grabbed a loose branch.

With all the energy I had left I managed to pull myself up on it, as I inhaled deep breaths.

I then glanced up to see Carly looking over the edge of the cliff, a scowl on her face.

"Good luck getting back up here Aspen, I'll make sure nobody finds you!" She shouted down, a evil smirk on her face as she then walked away, leaving me alone in complete darkness.

A feeling that I was all too familiar with, which is exactly what she wanted.

Hello everyone!!❤️
For starters I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long, the last time I updated this story was in October and it's now January. Yikes.

Speaking of that, happy new year everyone!! I can't believe it's already 2019, that's honestly so crazy to me.

I hope you're all doing well, and accomplish great things this year!!😊

I also hope you all enjoyed this part, I was mainly inspired by that Teen Wolf episode where Stiles is sleep walking and ends up in the forest and is super scared and cold, and then kinda merged other episodes where he was actually Void Stiles pretending to be Stiles to trick Scott and everyone. So that's where this part pretty much came from.

I love you all sm, and thank you for 5k reads!!❤️

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now