Here's To A New Life

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Aspen's POV.


Four Months Later..

Having moved to California was a big step in my life, if I'm being honest I never expected to even get this far.

It's crazy to think years ago I thought the only way out was to end my life, that, that was the one way I'd finally find peace.

I'm so happy I could prove my past self wrong, things do get better.

I of course hit many bumpy roads along the way, moving across the country isn't exactly a walk in the park.

Having to say goodbye to my parents again was one of the hardest things I had to do. Of course I'd see them on holiday's, but knowing that they'll be so far away from me did break my heart a little.

However, I knew this was good for me, a new place to have a fresh start, and I'd have Kian by my side as well. I wasn't completely alone.

Things did change while I was back home in Jersey though, Kian ended up moving into an apartment which him and I would be sharing.

As much as he loved living at the house with the guys, he needed his own space, and wanted me to have my own space as well.

I don't think I could ever be more grateful to have a sibling like Kian, he truly always wants the best for me and I hope that I'm making him proud.

I ended up leaving Jersey before the twins did, saying my final goodbye's to my parents, telling them I'd visit soon.

I sent a quick text to the twins telling them that I'd see them in Cali when they moved out here.

A part of me was excited they were moving out to the West Coast, but the other half of me dreaded it. The whole point of moving was to get a fresh start, but it was as if my past was following me and I couldn't escape it.

Not only that but I decided to give Grayson another chance when I had someone as amazing as Ryan waiting for me.

I had about a month before the twins moved, so during that time I decided to let things play out with Ryan.

Unfortunately, things ended up not working out, he got too busy with work and school and I was busy with work and school as well. We never got to see each other, and when we did we barely had any time together.

We ended up mutually deciding it was for the best if we broke up, but we're still great friends which I'm thankful for. He truly deserves the world and a wonderful person to spend his life with.

With that I ended up focusing on work and school more and spending time with Kian and my friends. Things were going extremely well, I was happy, and surrounded by amazing people.

About a week later I was leaving work when I had gotten a call and found out that the police had found Mackenize. They had found her up in the mountains, living in a cabin their family owned.

The police then informed me that she had been creating a new plan to try and kill me once and for all. She had all kinds of materials and papers scattered throughout the cabin.

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now