Q&A Character Ask Answers!

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A S P E N:

Why did you not try to seek out Grayson or Ethan during the three years you had apart, did it not really hurt you?

I wasn't allowed to, their parents refused to let me have any contact with them. And it hurt me a lot, I was devastated not being able to see them.

Would you get back with Gray

There's a possibility I would. Guess we'll just have to see.

What was your first thought when Grayson's parents told you, that you couldn't see him anymore?

I was confused and upset. I didn't understand why they wouldn't want me to tell him I was still alive. But at the same time I understood why, all I ever did was bring him down with me.



Why are you so angry at Aspen, when you should be really happy she is back? I understand, that you are finding it kind of difficult to wrap your head around the fact that she is alive and that Ethan and your parents knew, but why so much anger?

I am happy she is back, but how would you feel if you were being constantly lied to for months only to find your supposed "dead" girlfriend at the same college as you. Can you see why I'm pissed now?

Do you think you and Aspen will ever date again?

I honestly don't know.

Are you going to confront your parents about hiding Aspen from you?

Hell yes I am. I get that they were trying to protect me, but they went too far this time.

What was going through your head when Aspen said she wasn't dead?

I thought I was hallucinating, I wasn't sure if she was even real, let alone alive. But when I kissed her I knew she was real, and I could finally breathe again.

If Aspen does date you again. Are you just gonna break her heart again?

I would hope I'd be a better boyfriend, but then again I don't have the best past with relationships. I can be a great boyfriend, but then I can also be a complete asshole.\


E T H A N:

Was it really difficult to not tell Grayson that Aspen was actually alive, how did you manage to not cave in and tell him? Were there ever times when you almost told him or times when you saw her during the three years before?

It was extremely hard not to tell him, I felt awful keeping it from him. I did have my moments where I almost slipped up and told him, but I'd catch myself and just change the subject, whenever that happened it was usually when we were talking about her. I did see her a few times during those three years, which of course, only made the situation even more difficult.

How did you feel when you found out Mackenzie was flirting with Grayson and wants Aspen dead?

I was outraged. I couldn't believe she had gone that low.

Did you ever have feelings for Mackenzie?

At one point I did, but now there's no way in hell.

Do you like Aspen in any way more then a friend?

... *winks*


M A C K E N Z I E:

Do you really really like Ethan, do you love him? Can you see anything MORE coming up, say a more serious relationship?

I wouldn't' say I "really really liked" him, and no I don't love him. *laughs* but I can say I can see a more serious relationship blossoming soon, but not with Ethan.

Aren't you that girl that made Grayson cheat on Aspen? If you are why are you such a bitch

Yeah I'm that girl, and I must admit, he is one hell of a kisser. *smirks* I guess I was just born a cold hearted bitch sweetheart.

Did you really like Ethan? Did you really love Aspen as a friend? Why would you mess up everything you had with the twins and Aspen?

I did like Ethan, but I was just using him to get to Grayson. Yes, I did love Aspen as a friend, she was basically my sister, still is my sister to me. I wouldn't say I "messed up everything" I just made everyone realize who was better with who.

Why would you go behind your best friends back if you knew about them?

Isn't it obvious? I wanted Grayson. *laughs* I've always wanted Grayson. It wasn't fair that Aspen got to have him and I didn't. So, I did what had to be done, and somehow she's still alive *rolls eyes* for now anyways.


K I A N:

How did you feel about the relationship between Grayson and Aspen? I could probably guess you were protective? Did you know about the secret? Did you ever wish you could tell Grayson? Did lots of people know about Aspen being alive? Did you have to pretend you were sad, and your sister was dead to lots of people?

I wasn't a fan of their relationship. I knew of Grayson and Ethan because they bullied Aspen in school. Of course I was protective, she's my baby sister. Yes, I knew about the secret, and no I didn't ever want to tell Grayson. Not a lot of people knew she was alive, just my family and Ethan and his parents. I did have to pretend a lot, I felt bad because I even had to act around Jc. It was just one huge mess.

How did you feel when you found out Aspen tried to commit suicide?

*sniffles* I felt like shit. I should've been there for her. I'm her big brother and I failed her. I was in a completely different state doing what I love while she was back home struggling to stay afloat.

What was going through your head when you found out Aspen tried to commit suicide. Or did you even know? Or did they lie to you too making you think that she was really dead?

I had gotten a call from my mom telling me she tried to kill herself and I remember just completely shutting down. It felt like my world was crumbling from underneath me. I was so broken and I remember just rushing to the airport to go home and see her. I stayed there for a few days before returning back, and a few days later I got another call from my mom telling me that the Dolan's wanted everyone to believe she was dead when she really wasn't.

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