Who Is C?

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I couldn't wrap my head around all the new information I just found out.

Not only had everyone lied to me but now I find out Mackenzie escaped her camp and is out to get us.

"Bro, are you alright? You've been zoning out for the past five minutes." Ethan disrupted my thoughts, snapping me back into reality.

"Yeah man.. I'm just thinking everything over, it's a lot to take in." I admitted, glancing over at him as he let out a sigh.

"I feel ya bro, I can't believe Mackenzie is somewhere out here and we don't know where." Ethan muttered, his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"It's not just that though, mom and dad and you lied to me for months! Nobody was probably ever going to let me know that Aspen was alive." I shouted, rage taking over me quickly.

"I was doing what I thought was right at the time." Ethan stated firmly, his eyes focused on the road as I snickered in response.

"You're just saying that because you have feelings for her." I spat at him, watching his jaw clench in response.

"But here's a news flash, she's not your girl, she'll never be your girl, because she's mine, and always will be." I stated, my words coming out harsh as Ethan let out a bitter laugh.

"What makes you so sure she'd go back with someone like you? You bullied her so bad Gray." Ethan glanced at me, my eyes narrowing.

"I've changed." I responded through gritted teeth, my hands turning into fists.

Ethan let out another laugh, this one a bit louder than the previous one.

"As if! Two months ago you were ranting and raving about how Aspen was the most awful person ever, that she was selfish for dying, leaving you to grieve and be alone." Ethan yelled, glaring at me for a split second as he pulled into our driveway.

"That's not fair and you know it! You knew all along she wasn't dead and you just let me talk shit about her! You should of told me!" I shouted back, unbuckling my seatbelt and storming out of the car, slamming the door behind me.

Ethan quickly got out after me, jogging up behind me as I walked into our house.

I looked at both of my parents, their eyes wide with concern as they took one look at me and Ethan.

"He knows." Ethan finally broke the silence, watching his parents faces contort with sadness and anger.

"How?" My mom looked between Ethan and I, her expression stern.

"Aspen." I spoke through gritted teeth, watching her face fall at my words.

"That girl... That girl isn't supposed to talk to you. We made a deal—"

"A DEAL THAT I NEVER AGREED TO!" I yelled, my face turning red from pure rage.

"Grayson, calm down, listen to your mother." My dad raised his hand, giving me a look as I rolled my eyes.

"We were protecting you Grayson, we're your parents it's our job to keep you safe. Especially from girls like her." My mom explained, crossing her arms as Ethan shifted awkwardly next to me.

"What you did was fucked up! Everyone knew she was alive but me! You let me believe my girlfriend was dead! People must have thought I was insane!" I vented, tugging at the roots of my hair as both my parents looked at each other.

"You need to take it down a notch son." My dad warned me, but I was too fired up.

"Why? Because what I'm saying is the truth? Hurts doesn't it?" I spat at them, giving them both a glare as I stormed off to my room, slamming the door in the process.

I couldn't trust anyone anymore, just myself.

I rubbed my face, letting out a deep breath as I sat down on the edge of my bed.

This was all just so fucked up.

I sat there in silence, my phone buzzing in my pocket startling me.

Pulling it out I saw I got a message from a blocked number.

Blocked Number
You know what you have to do to be happy. You know deep down who you are, so stop hiding it. Finish where everything left off, or I will. - C

I blinked rapidly at the text, who the hell was C?

"Bro I know you're mad at me but I need to talk to you, like now." Ethan spoke through the door, making me groan in response.

I slowly got up, cracking the door open to see him standing there anxiously.

"What do you want?" I muttered, looking at him in annoyance.

"I got a text—" Ethan began, but I quickly pulled him into room.

"Was it from a blocked number?" I questioned him, eyes wide as his widened also.

"How'd you know that?" He whispered, giving me a confused look.

"I got one too." I quickly pulled my phone out to show him the message, his brows furrowing.

"Who the fuck is this C person?" Ethan muttered, shaking his head as I let out a sigh.

"I have no idea bro, but whoever it is, is up to something." I replied back, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"And from the looks of it, it's not going to be good."

Hello lovelies!!❤️

I'm trying to update more frequently on here. :)

I hope this chapter makes sense in some way, because it will in the future. So, just bear with me lol

Anyways have a great day!!! xx

Q: Who do you think C is?? Any theories?😼

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now