Surprise Bitch

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"Are you sure this is a smart idea? We can't do this any other way?" I asked once again, causing Mackenzie to let out a loud groan, rolling her eyes in response.

"For the last and final time, yes! If he thinks he can just get away with how he treated you he is sadly mistaken." Mackenzie spat out, walking a bit quicker than me.

I wanted to say something in response but nothing came out, my mouth continued to open and close but no words came out.

A part of me was glad Mack was back, I missed my best friend, it was hard not having her by my side those past three years.

But now that I do have her by my side once again it's like nothing has changed. She still protects me from my bullies, or more specifically my Dolan bullies.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I bumped into Mackenzie, blinking a few times to see why she had randomly stopped in the middle of the walkway path.

I carefully searched around where she was looking until my eyes landed on two brunette haired boys.

This should be fun.

Before I even got a chance to get a word out Mackenzie was already storming across the grassy opening.

I could feel my heart beginning to beat quicker as I attempted to catch up with her, my eyes widening the closer I got to her and the twins.

I noticed both Ethan and Grayson's eyes widen when they saw Mackenzie coming towards them.

"Surprise bitch!" She shouted, marching up to him before slamming her fist right into his face, causing him to stumble backwards, his hand flying up to his nose.

"What the hell!" Grayson shouted angirly, his words coming out a bit muffled from his hand covering his face.

Mackenzie smirked at him, before turning to face Ethan, tempting on whether or not she should punch him too.

With a shrug of her shoulders she slammed her fist once again but into Ethan's face.

"Mackenzie!" I shrieked, pulling her back as I rushed over to Ethan, cupping his face in my hands as his held his nose.

"What is this psychotic bitch doing here? Why is she with you Aspen!" Grayson demanded, his voice loud as he glared at Mackenzie.

"It's a long story, pretty much why we're even here bothering to talk to you." I muttered, glancing over at him my brows furrowing as I observed his outfit "Gray what the fuck are you wearing?" The words flew out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying.

Grayson glanced down at his outfit, before looking back up at me, "Don't judge my Gucci fanny pack Aspen, it's sick as fuck." Grayson declared, causing Mackenzie to snort in response, as Ethan rolled his eyes, wincing in the process catching my attention.

"Are you okay? Do you want some ice?" I questioned, looking his face over as he winced slightly as he put pressure on his nose.

"I think I might, it hurts a lot." Ethan grumbled, glaring at Mackenzie who smiled at him in response. "I'm good! Thanks for asking!" Grayson waved over to me, an annoyed expression on his face as I bit my lip.

"So are you just going to stand there all day or are you going you to explain why the hell you punched us?" Grayson snarled at Mackenzie, his brows furrowed as he continued to cover his nose.

"Well, for starters I heard you reverted back to high school dick Grayson so I decided to knock some sense into you." Mackenzie started off, a smile on her lips as she spoke, before turning to face Ethan.

"And honestly I just felt like punching you, just a lot of pent up anger I needed to get out." She shrugged, placing one of her hands on her hips.

I instantly noticed Ethan's jaw clench, his fist tightening ever so slowly as he sent daggers at Mackenzie.

"It's funny how you're the one talking about knocking some sense into someone when you're literally a psychopath." Grayson snickered, finally letting go of his nose where he was sure it was going to bruise later.

"Do you want me to hit you again? Because I promise the next time I will break your damn nose." Mackenzie threatened, her eyes narrowing as Grayson glared at her.

"Alright guys enough!" I shouted, stepping between the both of them.

"Look, I didn't come here to fight and argue with you guys-" I began, but stopped when I noticed Grayson shake his head, a bitter laugh escaping his lips.

"You could've fooled me!" Grayson snapped, causing me to grit my teeth together.

"You know what Gray? Put your petty shit aside for one damn second and listen!" I shouted, glaring at the boy as his eyes widened in surprise, as did Ethan's.

Mackenzie smiled proudly at me, nodding her head for me to continue.

"Look, we came here because we need your help. I figured out who the C person is." I crossed my arms loosely, watching both Ethan and Grayson's expressions change.

"Who is it? Do we know them?" Ethan questioned, taking a step forward as I nodded in response.

"Well who is it for fucks sake!" Grayson yelled, getting impatient as Mackenzie rolled her eyes.

"It's me." She spoke up, catching both their attentions.

"But it's also not me at the same time." She added on, watching both their expressions change from pure hatred to confusion.

"How is that possible?" Ethan spoke aloud, tilting his head slightly.

"She has a split personality disorder, so when she's on her medication she's Mackenzie, but when she's off of it she becomes Carly." I explained carefully, biting my lip nervously as they stood there stunned.

"So you're telling me that Carly has been the one harassing us for weeks?" Grayson questioned, crossing his arms as I nodded.

"What the hell.." Ethan muttered, rubbing his forehead as I glanced over at Mackenzie.

"So if that's the case, and we already know who C is, why do you need our help?" Grayson questioned, looking between me and Mack.

"We think C is up to something dangerous that could harm all of us." Mackenzie blurted out, causing Grayson's and Ethan's eyes to widened.

"That's great, that's really fuckin' great, that's just what I need right now." Grayson muttered, pacing back and forth a bit as I let out a sigh.

"We need to put all our differences aside for the moment and come up with a plan of some sort." Ethan spoke up, looking between the three of us.

"I'm down." I responded quickly, as did Mackenzie, which only left Grayson who rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He muttered, taking a few steps towards me, causing my heart to flutter.

"Lets end this once and for all."

Hello lovelies!!❤️

Sorry again for how long this update took, I'm currently going through a lot right now and it's just really hard to focus. But, I hope you all enjoyed this part!! I can't wait for the next few parts, yall are gonna be so mad at me ahaha.

Love you guys!! xx

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now