C Is For Catastrophe

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Nothing was the same anymore once those tweets were sent out.

Everything I had done to rebuild my life came crashing down in less than a minute.

I couldn't even walk down the street without getting judgemental glances from people, or loud whispers behind my back followed with laughter.

I was the new topic to talk about.

Just like I was in high school.

Except college was worse.

In college word spreads fast, especially on social media.

Within seconds people will find out who you are, and what you have done.

I couldn't decide on what was worse, the amount of hate and harassment I got online or the stares and whispers I got as I passed by other students on campus.

Either way, both situations hit me hard.

It had been three years since I was last bullied, since I had tried to end it all, and I thought that things were finally getting better.

That after everything I could start over, finally do well in school and accomplish something without the fear of it being taken away from me.

I was foolish to think that dreams could actually come true.

Being bullied by everyone is my reality.


"Bro lets get going we can't be late." Ethan called up the stairs to me, making me groan in annoyance.

"I'm coming, hold on!" I shouted, putting my shoes on as I grabbed my backpack off the floor.

After the incident yesterday with Aspen I haven't been able to think clearly.

She genuinely believed Ethan and I tweeted that shit about her.

"You know you're going to see her again today." Ethan spoke up after being quiet for a few minutes, his hands resting on the steering wheel as I gazed ahead of us.

"I know." I muttered, fiddling with my phone as Ethan pulled into the campus.

Within seconds we saw people waving to us, giving us thumbs up, even clapping.

"You'd think we'd won the lottery." I grumbled, hopping out of the jeep, slaming the door in frustration as Ethan got out after me.

"Just ignore them." Ethan whispered lowly, walking beside me as we headed towards the building where our class was.

"Grayson! Ethan! Nice work man!" Some random guy came up to us, giving us a fist bump making me cringe along with Ethan.

"Yooo! Grayson! Congrats on banging a chick like Aspen! If she's anything like the freak she is now I bet she was freakier in the bed!" Another guy howled, high fiving me before continuing to stroll off.

"What the fuck is going on." Ethan muttered, glancing around the campus as my blood boiled on the inside.

I was doing my best to ignore all the ignorant and outrageous comments everyone was making to us, but it was hard, with each comment I heard I wanted to snap back.

But for some reason I felt like I couldn't.

"Grayson! Please tell me you didn't date the freak." Charlotte stormed up to me, her lips in a tight thin line as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah Char, I did, got a problem with it too?" I snapped back at her, watching her face expression turn into a scowl.

"You're disgusting!" She shouted, slapping me across the face, causing everyone to look over in shock.

This Is The End - Sequel to Dolan BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now