Nishinoya Yuu: The Big Fat Meanie

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You two were known as the "crazy" couple. You both could get a little much at times. Like right now. The two of you, to your teachers dismay, had been put into the same class. Mrs. Yamamoto had made it a point to separate the two of you on the second day. But that didn't stop either of you.

Right now you were in the middle of throwing a paper airplane at your boyfriend who looked like he was about to explode from holding in his giggles. You threw the airplane. Internally you cheered as it landed perfectly on his desk.

Nishinoya almost chocked on his own spit. It was a poorly drawn image of your teacher with the words 'Big Fat Meanie' written on them. Just looking at his face made you chuckle a little. The teacher seethed in anger. "Nishinoya, L/n. If you two don't stop you'll have detention." You both stiffened up.

Nishinoya had volleyball practice and you had (pick a sport) practice. You glared at her back as she seemed to have a smirk on her lips. "I'll show you, Hag." And that's exactly what you did. You took your phone out and texted your good friend Tanaka.

From: You
To: Ryu

Yo dude
don't come back to class
I've got a plan

Tanaka had no idea what you meant, but whatever it was it was probably crazy. He looked over his phone as his eyes widened. This was too perfect.

You waited in your seat feeling bored out of your mind. "I texted Ryu like fifty hours ago! Where is he?" As if on cue a male teacher appeared at the classroom door looking disheveled. "Mrs. Yamamoto, are you alright?" he breathed out. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

The male teacher's cheeks changed to a tomato red. "Well...a student came into our class saying you had popped a-an-uh..." Mrs. Yamamoto's eyes grew irritated by the second. "What? Spit it out!"

The male teacher straightened himself up. "... he said you had popped a... breast." The whole class erupted into laughter and Mrs. Yamamoto's face rushed with blood; partly  from embarrassment but mostly anger. The three of you had after school cleaning duty for three weeks.

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