Haiba Lev: Hot Topics

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A/n: no, not the store so y'all emos can skidadle

It was a hot summer day and you felt yourself melting. It was bad enough, but now your boyfriend wouldn't stop asking stupid questions.

"Why's the sky not red?" He was completely delirious from the heat and you could tell. "I don't know, Lev." you sighed back. He sat right next to you and looked out of the window. "Why are watermelons called watermelons? Why aren't they called sugarmelons or waterballs?"

You could feel yourself getting delirious at this point. "Huh, I don't know? That's a good question." No. No it wasn't and you knew it. He laughed in a sort of distant way as if he had smoked fifty blunts. "Watermelons are just water balloons that grow out of the ground."

Your eyes widened. "Woah, bro." He looked back at you with similar wide eyes. "I know. I know." You felt yourself growing tired so you leaned back on his bed, the small fan in his room doing nothing to save you. "Do you call a male unicorn a bicorn?"

You laughed. "That's gross." He sat up, his serious eyes pouring into yours. "No, I'm for real. These are questions that need answers!" Feeling a little more up for teasing you put a finger to your chin and pretended to ponder the question. "I don't know? Do you think male unicorns are called bicorns?"

He took a moment to think about it. "Well, I don't know? That's why I asked you. You always seem to have the answer." And he was right. In some way or another you always seemed to have an answer for his stupid questions. But that needed patience, and the heat took it all. Although, you still hadn't lost your touch for messing with the silver haired male.

"Do you think Spider-Man poops out webs?" There it was. The super surprised stoner face you loved. "Woah... Y/n, you're so smart! I would've never thought that one up!" He snuggled up to you making you groan in protest.

"Lev! It's hot! Get your sweaty butt away from me!" That made him snuggle even closer to you. "I told you you're smart." You continued to try and push him off. "Yeah, yeah, now get offa me."

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