Kenjiro Shirabu: The Project

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A/N: DAMN THIS ONE IS LONG, but it was all worth it for this cutie

You were tired. Drills, day in, day out. Being a member of the Shiratorizawa (sport) team was a large responsibility on its own. Not only were you one of the best (sport) players on your team, it was the only thing keeping you in the school. Your family didn't come from large wealth and it came as a huge shock to your family that you had gotten into Shiratorizawa in the first place. Shiratorizawa wasn't only prestigious in its sports, but also its academics. In class you weren't that noticeable. Although you were known for falling asleep in class.

The end of class was dawning and you felt excited to finally have some time off from practice and go relax at home. "Class, I have an important announcement." A bored sigh escaped your lips. "From today forward we will be starting a partner project that will span two weeks." Groans erupted throughout the classroom. "I don't want to hear anything from any of you!" You rolled your eyes, plopping your chin on your hand. "Now, I'll list off the partners. Starting with...Kenjiro and (L/N)." The feeling of irritated eyes bore into your skull causing you to turn to your left. Sitting silently was your soon to be partner.

After a long explanation of the project and what was to be done that day class had finally ended. Shoving your items into your bag you almost sprinted out of the classroom. That was until a sharp voice spoke up. "We're heading to the library." You turned to the owner of the voice. "What do you mean?" Kenjiro rolled his eyes and walked towards the door of the classroom. "What else do I mean, idiot. We're going to finish our assignment." Exhaustion really had taken its toll on you as realization hit you. "Oh, shit. You right." A frown painted it's way across Kenjiro's face as the two of you walked to the library.

The whole walk was filled with you trying to strike up a conversation and quickly being shut down by Kenjiro who just wanted to get this stupid assignment over with. Once you two had entered the library Kenjiro scanned the whole library looking for somewhere quiet and secluded to work. He didn't want to be distracted, but most importantly, he didn't want you to be distracted. Being in the same class he knew you were easily distracted and would fall asleep in class often. Another thing he knew was that you had some of the best scores in the class so he was slightly curious as to how you slack off so often yet still maintain high grades. 

"Kenji-kun. Let's sit over there." He grimaced at the nickname you had given him. "Don't call me that." His eyes looked over at where you were pointing. It was a bookcase. "That's a bookcase." You chuckled. Motioning for him to follow, you led him behind the far bookcase. The bookcase was across the library and behind it was a small dark crook with a desk and two chairs. "How did you know this was here?" He was shocked. Even he didn't know this area existed. You smiled as you both sat down, you sitting closest to the wall. "One of my friends is shy and likes to study so whenever I wanna take a nap during lunch she'll let me sit with her."

"I'm finished." you yawned. Kenjiro was in shock. It had only been fifteen minutes and you had already finished all of your math problems. He looked down at your work. "How?" You lazily glanced at him. "What do you mean? This isn't even that hard." Feeling curious you peered over at his paper. He was barely done with his problems. "Dude, just subtract five to the other side, multiply fifty with two, single out the Y, and square it." Taking your pencil you guided him through the rest of his problems.

"Wow, I'm impressed. All you ever do in class is sleep and slack off." You let out a fake gasp pretending to be offended. "Now all we have to do is graph this and we're done." Nodding you began graphing. The sound of clothing shuffling made Kenjiro look up and stare at you. A blush spread across his face as you took off your school uniform jacket and undid your bow tie. "W-what are you d-doing?" he stuttered. Your (E/C) orbs easily detected his blush. "I'm just getting a bit comfortable. These clothes are so uncomfortable. No need to get dirty thoughts." You smirked.

"I wa-wasn't thinking anything l-like that." His blush grew redder by the second. You noticed how stiff his body was. A smirk appeared on your lips as an idea popped into your head. "Why don't you undress a bit too? You look stiff." He shifted, glaring at you in the process. "Just shut up so I can finish this stupid project and go home." You laughed. Kenjiro was always composed and tried his hardest to keep his emotions to the minimum. But something about the way you spoke, walked, even the way you breathed just pissed him off. You put your hands up in a fake surrender. "Fine, fine. You win."

With a sigh and a frown Kenjiro had finished graphing the stupid problems. During that time you had fallen asleep and the sounds of your loud snores had caused him to blush. You had finished your graphs long before him and had decided to fall asleep. "Idiot, wake up." he whisper shouted into your ear. "Huh, what?" You let your eyes adjust to the light in the library. "Oh, mornin' sexy." You winked as you leaned closer to him.

The closer you got the hotter Kenjiro's face became. In your head you thought of it as nothing more then a tease, but he took it literally. Slowly, Kenjiro closed his eyes and leaned closer to you. Finding him cute in these couple of hours you'd spent together, you closed the gap. After a few minutes of passionate kissing the two of you broke for air. "You're a cutie, so why don't you give me your booty." The pick up line made Kenjiro frown. "You're an idiot." You slung an arm around his shoulders. "I'm your idiot now."

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