Iwaizumi Hajime: Volleyball?

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It had only been two weeks since your last detention. Not to anyone's surprise here you were again, punching another girl in the face. You tried your hardest to ruin the girls "pretty" face as you laid punch after punch. The punches finally stopped after two students and a teacher separated the two of you.

"Ms. L/n! This is the third time this year, and the year has barely just begun. How do you think this will look on Aoba-Johsai's record? Terrible, that's how!" You rolled your eyes as you adjusted yourself even lower into the seat you were in. The rustling of fabric could be heard as you sat up. "Like I said the last two times, I don't care. Maybe Aoba-Johsai would have a prettier record if the other girls stopped calling me names." The Vice Principal was in awe. He felt there was nowhere he could turn. Feeling corned he physically turned and his eyes immediately found the answer. "Ms. L/n, I'll relieve you of your detention, and I'll take this off of your permanent record." Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "At what price?"

In all honesty you don't know how he had coerced you into joining the boy's volleyball team as the team manager. You knew absolutely nothing about managing let alone volleyball itself. Once you had finished changing you entered the gym feeling and looking less than enthusiastic. "Iwa-chan! Look over there! There's a girl that looks like your type!" Your head lazily turned to the voice who'd spoken those words. Your eyes filled with flames. "Oi, what am I, a piece of meat?" Piercing eyes hit the brunette as he attempted to run away. "Yeah, yeah, you better run." The black haired male who had been standing next to the brunette walked up to you. "I swear, if this guy's another one of those perves imma freak!"

He stopped when he was right in front of you, and you had to admit, he was attractive. He had a slight annoyed look on his face as he apologized for his "friend". "Sorry about that, he can be really crappy sometimes. I'm Iwaizumi Hajime and that was Oikawa Tooru. If he gives you anymore trouble just call out for me, I'll take care of him." You thought his apology and the way his dark eyes darted around expressing his annoyance with his friend was really cute. "It's fine. Thank you." You smiled.

After a brief introduction practice had started with a pinch. The coach, assistant coach, and teammates helped you learn the concept and different moves and rules in volleyball. But the person who helped you out the most was Iwaizumi. To you he was a surprisingly good teacher and explained things in just enough detail for you to understand. He also helped you out whenever Oikawa was getting too annoying. All in all you enjoyed your time.

After practice ended you helped clean up. You really felt like thanking Iwaizumi for all he'd done for you today. "Hey, uhm thanks." Iwaizumi looked at you with his dark orbs. "What kind of 'thank you' is that?" he smirked. You weren't the thanking type so for you to even think about thanking someone was beyond your speciality. "Well, I don't know. I don't usually thank people. You're probably the only person I've met at Aoba-Johsai that's worthy of any sort of thank you, so really, thank you for helping me out today." His cheeks got hotter as you went on. "Uh, yeah, no problem."

Now it was your turn to smirk. "Hey, hey now. What kind of 'you're welcome' was that?" He darted his eyes everywhere but your own. "It was really nice getting to know you and you're probably the only person that doesn't piss me off, so it was my pleasure." You laughed and patted his back. "There, I knew you could do it." After a few more minutes of teasing you both left the gym.

Your walk home with Iwaizumi and Oikawa was quite enjoyable, even when Oikawa tried to "smoothly" set you two up together. Just before you opened your door you looked back at the black haired male. "How about Sunday? Let's go out or something." He smirked. "Sounds good to me." In the back you could both hear Oikawa sulking about how you had both "tricked" him into thinking you weren't going to date. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and began to drag Oikawa home.

Lmao this one's probably the most serious one I've ever written

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