Ushijima Wakatoshi: My Love Story (which is a great manga; go read it!)

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You were minding your own business standing on your tiptoes trying to reach the next volume of (fave shoujo manga). Unfortunately you were too short to reach the third shelf.

Cursing the height of the bookshelf for being too high for no reason, you tried to reach for the manga for the fifteenth time, only to fail again for the fifteenth time. "Uhm, excuse me? Do you need help by any chance?" Your cheeks turned a light red as embarrassment filled your being. Looking to the deep voice that had come from your right you awkwardly smiled at the tall and rather handsome male.

His stoic face never faltered as he awaited your answer silently. "Oh! Yes... please..." You managed to sputter out after a long moment of awkward silence. The male nodded slightly and took the manga off the shelf with ease. He looked at the cover and then turned it over to take a look at the back soaking in every little detail.

You stood in uncomfortable silence as he examined the manga causing your cheeks to turn a shade darker out of further embarrassment. "Hmm. This was a rather good read, although the ending was incredibly abrupt."

You were both shocked and offended. Not knowing whether to argue with the handsome stranger or be shocked at the fact that he'd already read it, you took the book from his outstretched hand. "Thank you for the insight."

Turning away you tried to make a run for it but before you could leave he grabbed ahold of your arm. His grip was surprisingly gentle and warm. Spinning around you looked up at him. Without any words he took a manga off the shelf and let go of your arm; handing over the manga in turn. "This was an excellent read. I'm sure you'll appreciate the art style as well."

You couldn't help but blush hard. Not looking at his face you thanked him and turned around. Again you felt a gentle and warm hand wrap around your arm. Turning around for the hundredth time that day you had gained the courage to look at the male's face. His features were sharp and serious, but he had an almost inexistent soft glitter in his eyes.

"I've been waiting for a rather long time to converse about shoujo manga with another person. Please converse with me some more." Anyone else would have missed it but you saw the small dust of pink on his cheeks.

"That's completely fine if you'd rather converse with someone else..." Looking him in the the eyes you felt more confident than you'd ever felt before. "No! I'd love to conver- I mean talk with you!"

A tiny smile spread across the males lips. "My name is Ushijima Wakatoshi. It's a pleasure to have met you at this moment." You smiled brightly. "The pleasure is all mine! My name's (L/n) (F/n)!"

A/N: I love the "Ushijima loves shoujo manga/ anime" concept!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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