Bokuto Kotaro: Salty Lies

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A/N: I don't normally do angst, but I decided to try somethin new! So I hope y'all cry hard 😔🤙

How could this happen? Right in front of you was a teary eyed Bokuto, his orbs refusing to meet yours. Standing a foot away your shaking body was breathless. "...B-bokuto...why?" The usually cheery male failed at choking down his tears. "I-I...I'm sorry, Y/n...I just can't-I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!"

Your vision began to blur with numerous salty tears. Taking a small step towards him, your legs weak. It can't end like this, you had to say something, but your breath was caught in your throat. "It was all a lie...everything. The worst part is...I thought I could keep the lie up...I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE!" With shaking wet eyes he finally met yours.

You could tell he hadn't been getting much sleep in the previous nights, large dark bags present under his usually bright eyes. "Just leave me alone! I don't deserve you because all I've done to you is lie!" A whimper escaped his quivering lips. His regretful gaze froze you in place. This wasn't Bokuto. This wasn't the Bokuto you had fallen in love with. You finally caught your breath. "I don't care!"

Bokuto's eyes widened. You inched closer to him a little quicker this time. "I don't care what you tell me! I'll still love you!" He couldn't believe his ears. You'd still love him? No. He couldn't continue like this. "I'm sorr-" Finally getting close enough you pulled him into a tight and passionate hug. "I said I don't care! I'll love you no matter what!" Wet droplets fell on top of your head.

He refused to wrap his arms around your body like he always would. Gently he pushed you off of him. "I'm sorry..." Before he could leave you clung to the back of his shirt, making sure to grab handfuls of clothing. You buried your head into his back staining his shirt with tears. "'s movie night...and it's my turn to p-p-pick the movie..." Salty tears fell faster from Bokuto's eyes.

"BUT I DON'T LIKE SCARY MOVIES! THEY GIVE ME NIGHTMARES! I'M SORRY, Y/N! I'M NOT THE MANLY MAN YOU STARTED DATING! I'M A COWARD!" You tugged at his shirt. "WHO CARES! YOU KNOW I'D PROTECT YOU FROM ANY SCARY MONSTERS! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU BEING A MANLY MAN!" More tears flowed across Bokuto's cheeks as he slowly turned around, his arms roughly wrapping around your frame.

"REALLY? YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME BEING A MANLY MAN?" Bokuto shouted into your ear. Small laughs came out of your mouth. "Yes! I don't care about something stupid like that!" In the back an agitated sigh escaped a dark haired males lips. "Can we just watch the stupid movie already?" The both of you broke apart and smiled with dry tear stains. "Yeah, let's go, Akaashi!" The male known as Akaashi groaned. "I should be the one wondering why I'm still friends with you idiots."

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