Oikawa Tooru: Frenemies

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Iwaizumi Hajime was your best friend. Oikawa Tooru wasn't. You had met Iwaizumi in class when you both had been paired up as partners for a project. At first you were really intimidated by Iwaizumi but you soon became really close. You'd text each other and often hang out at each other's houses. Often you'd see Iwaizumi and Oikawa hanging out together, one annoying the other while the other throws profanities the formers way. You thought their friendship was cute but you knew what would happen if any of the fangirls got you ticked off.

Iwaizumi found you both annoying in an endearing way. You were both loud and slightly obnoxious. At times you'd both cling to him calling him "Iwa-chan.", much to his dismay, whenever he'd hang out with any of you separately. In his mind he thought it would be a great idea if the two of you got together and left him alone every once in a while. He was prepared for the two of you to hang out with him less and maybe eventually forget about him, but he wasn't expecting this.

The door to his house raddled open as an irritated male made his way to Iwaizumi who was lounging on the couch. "Iwa-chan!" Iwaizumi was more confused then anything but kept his uninterested features. He frowned as his friend plopped onto the couch next to him. "It was awful! How could you set us up like that! We have nothing in common!" Iwaizumi almost laughed at his friends statement but decided against it. "You two are the exact same person. I guess you got a taste of your own medicine and you didn't like it."

Oikawa huffed like a child ready to throw a tantrum. "We're nothing alike! She wanted to watch a horror movie instead of a romantic comedy! What kind of girl doesn't like romcoms!" Iwaizumi snorted. He had to admit, in your behaviors you and Oikawa were exactly alike, but in taste, not so much. "By the time we had agreed to just watch a comedy some of my fangirls came up to us and she almost assaulted one! What kind of date assaults someone on their date?"

Iwaizumi wasn't too surprised. You were a cuddly bear until someone provoked you, and quite like a bear you'd rip some limbs off. "It was the worst date I've ever been on!" Iwaizumi sighed. "Well don't you think she's probably thinking the same thing about now?" As if on cue another stomping figure was heard slamming his door open.

"Iwa-chan! That was the worst date I've ev-" You were cut off as you entered the living room. Sitting next to your best friend was that heathen. You narrowed your eyes. "What's that doing here?" Oikawa narrowed his eyes as well. "I'm hanging out with my Iwa-chan!" He stuck his tongue out as he pulled Iwaizumi into a strong embrace.

Iwaizumi grumbled as he began prying himself away from the overgrown toddler. You sighed in shock and sat next to Iwaizumi on his other side. "He's my Iwa-chan, not yours you ugly beaver." Iwaizumi chuckled but soon stopped as you pulled him into another tight embrace. "Will you two idiots stop! You're both acting like a bunch of brats!" You let go. The both of you huffed and crossed your arms looking in opposite directions.

Iwaizumi sighed. The two of you had been at it like this for almost half an hour and it needed to stop. "Do you see yourselves? You're both acting the exact same!" The two of you shook out of your tantrums at the sound of your friends booming voice. "Sorry, Iwa-chan." you both quietly mumbled. "Good, now be friends." To yours and Oikawa's dismay, Iwaizumi stood up grabbing both of your wrists. "W-where are we going Iwa-chan?" you questioned. Iwaizumi didn't answer as he opened a door neither of you had ever been in before, that being because it was a closet.

He threw the both of you inside the closet. "You two can come out when you're friends." With a click Iwaizumi locked the door from the outside. You sat at one end of the closet while Oikawa sat on the other. The size was rather small so either way the two of you were rubbing shoulders. "Don't touch me you pinecone!" you growled. "Well don't touch me you lunatic." He shoved you shoulder causing you to shove his. The both of you continued your shoving fight until you'd ended up on his lap.

"Uhm, sorry." You blushed. "Oh, it's fine." The closet was dark but you could tell Oikawa was just as embarrassed as you were. Although it was awkward neither of you moved. "Why'd you almost hit that girl?" Oikawa finally asked. "I don't like being provoked. I come from a rather large family of rough kids so I've been taught not to take shit from anyone." Oikawa lifted his hands from his sides and placed them on your hips. "W-what are you doing?" Oikawa didn't answer.

His hands slid up to your back and he slowly pulled you closer. "Trashcan, what a-are you d-doing?" You quietly retorted as you closed your eyes, his lips barely brushing yours. "I don't know." was his only response. His soft lips crashed onto yours filling you with an unknown warmth. You placed your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you. His lips danced expertly on yours. His hands slid back down to your hips and continued to slowly inch lower.

Things were about to get heated when the door opened letting light pour in on the two of you making out. "What the fuck! Gross! Not in my closet! Get out!" The both of you quickly stood up and got out of the closet. Iwaizumi gave the two of you a questioning look. "So what changed?" Oikawa gave a nervous smile. "I don't really know. Her anger turned me on." A blush spread across your cheeks. "Oikawa y-you idiot."

A/N: Level 2 sauce

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