Yamaguchi Tadashi X Male! Reader: Red Blushes and Bloody Noses

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A/N: This is my first male! reader so I hope you guys enjoy! If you want more male! reader one shots with others please leave a request! Enjoy our cute little freckled boy!

It was a gloomy Monday morning. You sat up turning off your alarm in the process. A sigh escaped your lips as you lazily took a shower and pulled on your school uniform. Setting out after grabbing your lunch you met up with your two good friends, one being an irritated blonde by the name of Tsukishima Kei and the other being a cute freckled brunette by the name of Yamaguchi Tadashi. "Hey, Y/n! Are you ready to go?" A small blush spread across your cheeks as you smiled at the male. His smile could brighten even the darkest days, much like today. "Yeah. Let's go."

School was as boring as ever. You sat in your chair daydreaming about the freckled male. "L/n!" Your eyes widened as your teacher began to lecture you. "L/n, would you mind explaining why you aren't paying attention in class?" A small snicker escaped your fellow volleyball player Kageyama Tobio's lips. "U-uhm...well...I'm feeling a little tired, that's all..." The teacher sighed. "Try to stay awake at least!" You gave a slight nod waiting for lunch to start so that you could be with Yamaguchi.

After what felt like a century the lunch bell rang indicating the beginning of lunch. In a flash you stood up running out of the class with your bento. A few minutes later you were at your destination. "Y/n!" Yamaguchi's smile made you blush. Looking at his face made the sun seem like a nightlight. You sat down next to Yamaguchi with Tsukishima next to him. "What'd you bring today?" The three of you often swapped lunches or traded different items, although it was mostly you and Yamaguchi swapping items with a smirking Tsukishima declining. "Wow, that rice looks so good! You're so talented, Y/n-kun!" You felt your face heating up as you became a stuttering mess. "Th-thank y-you. I-I'm not th-that g-good." Yamaguchi shook his head in protest. "No, you're terrific! May I have some please?" You nodded your head and subconsciously grabbed a bit of rice with your chopsticks leading it to Yamaguchi's mouth. Shocking the both of you Yamaguchi wrapped his mouth around your chopsticks tasting the delicious rice. Tsukishima's smirk deepened. "You two should get a room." His statement caused the both of you to blush a deep red. "Sh-shut up, Tsukkie..." Your exclamation just caused Tsukishima to snicker.

With your lunch encounter over and school finished you dashed to the club room to change. Usually you'd try and get there faster than the others so you wouldn't become a bumbling mess around Yamaguchi while he changed, however you weren't always safe from that. There was that one time. It was known by the Karasuno club members as "The Ultimate Nose Bleed Fiasco". After that incident you tried your best not to look anywhere near Yamaguchi while he changed during games. Quickly shaking the thought from your head you changed into your practice clothes and headed towards the gym. On your way to the gym you ran into Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. "Hey, Y/n-kun! You're always finished changing by the time we get to the club room." Yamaguchi giggled causing you to blush. "Yeah, heh, I guess I am." Tsukishima gave you a knowing smirk. He was the only person you had confided your secret to, although the whole team besides Yamaguchi knew. What you didn't know was that Yamaguchi had confided his crush, you, to Tsukishima as well.

Practice was as fun as usual. Being a wing spiker you would often ask Sugawara to help you. "Y/n, look out!" Hinata's voice rang through the gym but unfortunately you were too late to dodge the ball that had been heading your way. "Y/n!" Yamaguchi rushed over to you with worried eyes. "Are you alright?" You chuckled trying not to worry Yamaguchi. "Y/n, you shouldn't be laughing at a time like this! Your nose is bleeding!" Everyone went quiet. "I'm s-so s-s-sorry!" Hinata yelled. Kageyama scoffed. "Idiot! Look where you're spiking!" Yamaguchi helped you sit on the bench while Yachi took a few tissues and wipes out of her pocket. "Stay still." Yamaguchi's face was centimeters away from yours as he wiped the dry blood away with a wet wipe.

The rest of practice you felt embarrassed. Never would you have thought you'd get hit by a volleyball in volleyball club, that's so absurd! When club ended You, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi silently walked home. "Y/n...?" You looked at your shy friend with a smile. "What is it, Yamaguchi?" He blushed. "Are you alright? The volleyball hit you pretty hard..." You laughed. "Yeah, I'm fine. The bleeding stopped a while ago, look!" You pointed to your nose causing Yamaguchi to lean closer to you just to make sure. It happened so quickly. Tsukishima being a helpful friend shoved Yamaguchi into you. Your lip connected. You closed your eyes leaning into the kiss as a shy Yamaguchi slowly closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. The two of you continued to kiss as you both wrapped you arms around each other. "Tsk. Get a room you two." You both pulled apart with blushes from your friends comment. "I-I really like you, Y/n." Yamaguchi confessed with a cute blush. "I love you too." Yamaguchi's face went from one of pure happiness to one of pure shock. "Y-y/n, your nose is bleeding again!" Tsukishima almost choked trying to contain his laughter. While the shove was a kind gesture trying to get his friends together, in the process he'd smashed Yamaguchi's nose into yours causing your nose to bleed again. "Tsukkie!"

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