Kenma Kozume: Master

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A fluffy red and black made outfit and black kitty ears. Your face a dark red as you walked into Kenma's room. Cursing yourself for betting against an unbeatable Kuroo, you coughed trying to catch your boyfriends attention. "Hey, Y/n." Kenma nonchalantly answered without taring his eyes from his handheld device.

Closing the door not making any sound you made your way closer to Kenma, stopping right next to the bed he was laying on. "I'm y-y-your m-m-m-m-..." You stuttered trying to recite the line Kuroo had given you. It was obvious to anyone you'd met but you were incredibly prideful and it took a lot to even dress up. "It's ok, you'll get there."

The corner of Kenma's lips shifted up ever so slightly. He had a playful side that only you and Kuroo knew about. "...m-m-maid." Curiosity finally eating away at him he paused his game and lifted his eyes up to examine what odd situation you had gotten yourself into now. His orbs grew. He was not expecting to see you dressed as a cute cat maid. "Y-y/n, why a-are you wearing th-that?" His cheeks were beginning to turn a bright pink. "I l-l-lost a bet to Idiot Kuroo." Kenma couldn't believe his eyes. Until he felt a buzz in his pocket.

From: Idiot
To: You

;) thank me later~

Kenma could feel his whole body heat up. He looked everywhere trying to avoid looking at you. "Whatever Kuroo set you up to do, just do it already." You frowned remembering what Kuroo had said to you. "He didn't give specific directions, well aside from that line earlier, but besides that he just said I had to do whatever you tell me to."

You sat down and began to spin in Kenma's rolling chair. Your boyfriend was a simple guy. He was affectionate and he would do skinship with you when the two of you were alone, but other than that he was complaisant with his relationship. Seeing you in that maid outfit was conflicting his very being. "C-could you...get me some chocolate milk p-please?" You shrugged and got up to complete his request not thinking anything of it, but in Kenma's mind he was testing this whole situation out.

A few minutes later you came back with a glass of chocolate milk. "One glass of chocolate milk!" You beamed as you held the glass in front of your boyfriend who was now sitting on the edge of the bed. He shook his head. "You drink it." With a confused shrug you gulped down the chocolate milk. After taking a few nice sips of the drink you set it down on his desk. "What next, master?"

You weren't trying to be any seductive, in fact, you said it as normally as you possibly could say master to anyone, but that's not how Kenma saw it. His heart skipped a beat at the sound of that word. "Call me that again." You looked at him funny yet obliged. "Master?" Kenma's heart was beating faster than he could count. "Sit on my lap."

You were both shocked at his bold words. Slowly you sat down on his lap. Not too long after, Kenma wrapped his arms around your waist and let his chin rest on your head. A smirk spread across your lips. "You like this don't you, pervy master?" Kenma was redder than a cherry. "N-no. It's j-j-just interesting." A laugh escaped your lips. "Sure, sure, it's 'interesting' all right." That day you were pleasantly shocked to find out that your boyfriend had a maid kink. Or a cat kink. Or a maid cat kink. Whichever was fine for you to use against him later.

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