Kuroo Tetsurou: Come On, Kitten

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Your boyfriend was known for being quite intelligent. He was sly and could talk himself out of any situation. But sometimes he could be a real idiot. And what was he wasting his time doing right now? Well he was trying to convince you to help him buy night vision goggles. "Come on! Then we can see in the dark like real cats!" You rolled your eyes. When he got something in his head he wouldn't let the idea go. "But they're expensive." No matter how you pleaded with your idiotic boyfriend he wouldn't stop persisting that you absolutely needed them. "If we put our money together we could totally buy one. I'll even let you wear them longer." His cat like eyes grew bigger trying to convince you to help him buy them. "Tetsu, we already have on cat kigurumis and you even convinced me into drawing cat whiskers on our faces in sharpie!" He looked down in sadness. "But...I wanna see in the dark too..." You wrapped your arms around him. "You don't need to see in the dark to be my precious kitty." He smiled at you. "I guess you're right." You laughed. "I'm always right."

"But what if there's an intruder and it's dark?" You sighed. He really wasn't going to give up on the night vision goggles. "Then we can buy a flashlight." He again wasn't convinced. "Then the intruder would know where we are!" You stood up. "You just wanna rub it in Bokuto's face that you have night vision goggles!" He looked down. "...no" You laughed. "Yes you do!" He looked up at you with his cute kitty eyes. "Come on, Y/n! Please?" You felt defeated. He wasn't going to stop until you said yes. "Ok, fine. But you have to pay for it all by yourself." You smirked. He wasn't the only one who could play at this game. He huffed. "Fine." You almost chocked on your spit. "Really?" He shook his head looking a little irritated. "Yeah." Now you really started laughing at him. "Dude, that's hardcore." He smiled at you. "But you know what'll be even more hardcore? Those goggles."

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