Terushima Yuuji: Mystery Meat

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A/N: I'm sick and TIRED of my boy Terushima being portrayed as a playin cheatin mf. Just cause you have the confidence to ask someone out and you're a bit wild doesn't mean you'd cheat on your girlfriend? Wtf logic. Ok, rant over.

It was a boring Saturday afternoon. Nothing to do, nowhere to be. So you decided to call your boyfriend Terushima. He always livened things up. "Hey, pretty girl! What's up?" The loud and slightly obnoxious voice made you smile. "Nothin, that's why I'm calling you." You could hear his laughter through the phone. "Don't worry! Your lovely and dashingly handsome boyfriend is on his way to save you from boredom." A chuckle escaped your lips. "Sounds good."

An hour later you heard a knock on your door. Your parents weren't home since they decided today was a perfect day to have a date night. You unlocked the door and let your excited boyfriend in. "I'm here!" He ran into your house and gave you a hug. "Yo, I'm still bored." He giggled. "Why don't we have something to eat." A smirk spread across his lips. You felt your cheeks heat up. "What." He laughed. "I didn't mean that!" Your goofy boyfriend ran into the kitchen. At a lazy pace you walked into the kitchen. By the time you'd gotten into the kitchen he already had his head in the fridge with a muddle of condiments and meats on the counter. "What are you doing?" His head popped out from the fridge, his hands filled with more strange food items. "I'm preparing to make the ultimate sandwich." You rolled your eyes. "Count me out." A pout spread across his face. "Come on." You being you, you decided why not?

After smooshing and slicing many ingredients you both finished each other's sandwiches, if you could even call them that. The one he'd made for you looked like someone had taken a fat dump and whipped their ass with two slices of bread. His on the other hand looked like someone had vomited over and over again on two slices of bread. You both gulped. "Let's just get this over with." It was a mistake. After taking one bite you both toppled over and threw your guts up. That was the last time you let your boyfriend cook for you.

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