Chapter Three

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Professor: Chapter Three is up and ready for you! Advice on writing is always appreciated!


"Dragon Roost? Sure, I could take you there easily but it's a two day journey for me. I just don't have the time right now."

The Doctor sighed; this was the third sailor to say no to giving them the trip, even if they were willing to pay extra, "Do you know anyone who could take us?"

The man thought a moment before pointing to a man in the corner, "He might. Fantastic sailor."

Amy huffed in annoyance, "He's the one who told us to talk to you!"

The man brought his eyebrows together as he thought about it, giving him the appearance of a large, hairy, caterpillar, "Well, you could go on the trading boat. Leaves at the end of the week."

Amy groaned, "We can't wait to the end of the week! We have to go now!"

The man shrugged, "I can't help you there miss. Wish I could, but I can't."

Amy was about to respond when the Doctor ushered her out, muttering apologies to the sailor. They got out side and Amy started talking under her breath and the Doctor was glad that he couldn't make out the words.

"Well, I think that went well." He said cheerfully and she glared at him.

Quickly, and smartly, he changed the topic, "Let's take a walk then, shall we?"

Grudgingly, Amy agreed and they walked down the long path back down to the docks, not saying a word. What they found there though, had they been speaking, would have made them speechless.

A large pirate ship was docked near the island, behind the large outcropping of land on the edge but still visible thanks to the large sail. A group of the pirates were outside the building which, thanks to the sign above the door, they could see was a bomb shop.

"Doctor!" Amy said in a hushed voice, "Are they robbing them?!"

The Doctor smiled and grabbed her hand, "Let's find out!" and with that he dragged her over there.

Sometimes, like now, Amy wished she hadn't run away with this childish-Doctor.

Within minutes they were there and the pirate group immediately took notice of them. Two of them were very tall and had broad chests; one had a bandanna and the other a beard. Two were rather short, about Link's height but they were obviously older than him. One had cracked glasses and carried a book while the other had sideburns and carried a telescope. Sadly, all were armed.

"Who are you?!" The tall one with the beard yelled at them, drawing his sword and getting into a fighting stance.

"Have you come to steal from Miss Tetra?!" the other tall one yelled, doing the same as his friend.

The Doctor smiled widely and lifted his hands up in the classic surrender position, "Nope! Just came to talk! Nice little conversation!"

"Doctor..." Amy said warningly.

"What Amy? Look! These are nice people! What's wrong with a conversation?"

All of the pirates looked at each other, confused. Then the one with glasses said, "I'm assuming from the strange clothes, attitude, and the name 'Amy' you are strangers?"

The Doctor nodded, a huge smile in his face as if he loved that his life was being threatened.

"Mako, stop talking to them." One of the taller men said.

"What harm could they do?"

"The girl has the staff of a Moblin!"

"Doesn't mean she knows how to use it." The smaller man countered.

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