Mike + Will ° Attention /two/

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Summary: Read Previous parts

-this was a requested imagine, now here's part 2

Mike POV

I laid back in bed and just glanced at my glowing stars on my ceiling, before talking I coughed.

"It's great that the Byers/Hopper's are spending time together as a new family on that Vacation... But, I miss Eleven, and it's only been 3 days." I mumbled.

I felt as Y/N joined me and laid down, she faced the ceiling with me.

"I miss Will." She mumbled faintly.

Y/N's loud exhale caught my attention and I turned my head to face her.

"It's been a long time since we've hung out." I spoke and continued to focus on her.
Y/N sniffled and then turned her head to let her eyes come in contact with mine.

I watched as she comfortably changed positions,

"Yeah, a long time... You even forgot my birthday a week ago." Y/N replied and then blinked.
I flared my nostrils.

God I am a dick. I forgot her birthday. What kind of best friend am I? Obviously not a good one, not the type I want to be.

Y/N was the most important girl in my life, until Eleven came... I mean, I still love Y/N with all my heart, but my priorities go to Eleven. But, it still doesn't give me an excuse of being a bad best friend.

"Y/N I'm so sorry- It's okay Mike. I had fun on my birthday anyway." Y/N explained with a faint voice as she turned to face the ceiling again.

Her smile made me wonder.

"What did you do on your birthday?" I asked while staring at her.

Y/N smiled to herself. I clenched my jaw.

"Spent time with Dustin and Will at the Mall, headed to the arcade. And then, Will slept over and he made my birthday amazing, we hung out, played watched films, played connect four, ate so much candy." Y/N explained with a grin.

I sat up and raised my brows,

"A birthday I'd never forget. He was so sweet." Y/N whispered.

She spent her birthday with Will, doing the things I'd do with her for almost every one  of her birthdays.

That was our thing.

Y/N grinned happily.

"Do you like Will?" I asked curiously.
Y/N stayed quiet and looked down at her fingers.

A slow movement of her head agreeing to my question made me nervous.

She liked Will. I want to be happy for her, so I smiled.

"He's good for you Y/N." I replied.

Silence fell upon us again, Y/N inhaled and then exhaled a breath.

"Mike, can I tell you something?" Y/N muffled, I raised my brows and nodded in agreement.

"Mhm." I replied just staring at her. Y/N brushed her fingers through her hair and made eye contact with me.

"I've had the biggest crush on you since, forever. And, I had to tell you. I don't know if you even noticed, but, we're good now... You and Jane, are great together." Y/N explained.

I sat there just speechless. I felt as if I broke her heart. The feeling of knowing I was oblivious to it all made me hurt, I liked Y/N as well.

I should've paid attention.

-Here you go, how'd you like this? Please tell me!

Finn Wolfhard Imagines | Book two Where stories live. Discover now