Finn° I hoped

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Summary: Finn tries to explain to Y/N that he changed and sorta moved on

-this was requested so many times, thought I'd post this old draft.

-haven't updated because I've been real focussed on other things, but I miss y'all headasses 😂


My attention was grabbed by the notification of my phone. Sitting up I glanced over at my charging phone, my mind confused as I read the message on my screen...

"Hey, I'm downstairs on the porch, I flew back earlier then expected"

Finn's message made me smile, my grin was huge and my heart was pounding immensely, my boy was finally back from Los Angeles.

Racing outta my room, down the stairs, past the kitchen and reaching the front door, I couldn't help but feel as my cheeks become hot.

"Babe" I muffled, Finn had his hands in his pockets, his lips quivering and poured .

Out of confusion I tilted my head and raised my brows.
why did he look... sad?

Stepping forward, I reached for him but he slightly stood back,
"Y/N" Finn whispered as he stared at me, the stare he gave me clearly expressed that something was urgently wrong.

"Finn? What's wrong? I'm happy you're home" I replied back slightly smiling, Finn sniffled and stayed quiet.

"Y/N, uh, you know that uhm people... people can change right?" Finn spoke with a shaky tone.

I decided to close the door behind me, and walk out towards him more.

"Yeah, I know that, Finn. What are you implying?" I asked scared,
I could feel myself tense up, terrified he was breaking up with me. Which he was.

"When I was in LA, i-i made some bad decisions, and  I feel like something changed, I changed. I love you, so I'm doing what's best for you, and for Us. " Finn explained while stepping towards me, this time I stood back.

"What did you do Finn? Never mind, I don't even wanna know- Y/N I was away for 3 months, I needed someone, and you weren't with me." Finn interfered my sentence.

I nodded a no and felt my body become weak, Finn cheated on me.

"3 months? And you decide to cheat on me?" I cried, Finn gulped and grabbed me, he hugged me but I kept pushing him back.

"No, don't hug me. When we first got together, I hoped and prayed that you would never do me wrong like this. Now that you're a 'changed person', I want you to leave. I don't know who you are anymore." I explained crying, Finn just stared at me.

He didn't say anything, just sorrow In his eyes.

-This was short. But ya know

Finn Wolfhard Imagines | Book two Where stories live. Discover now