Finn° Bad people |2|

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Summary: Read Previous Parts
-Y/N and Finn are caught at concert
-part 2 was highly requested

Finn POV

I felt as Y/N tried to escape my arms but I didn't let go of her. We could feel as everyone's eyes were staring, glaring at me and Y/N.
They all might as well get an explanation now.

"Let's tell them, now." I whispered quickly facing
Y/N, she gave me a look before staring down at the ground.

"Finn? What are you doing?..Y/N?" My girl Hannah muffled.

I turned to face Hannah and saw the hurt in her eyes.
The rest of the band and my friends decided to leave this problem between the three of us.

"Hannah, It's what it looks like, we were seeing each other secretly." I spoke, Hannah's tears streamed freely.

She stormed over and pushed Y/N out of the way and out of my arms.

"Why? Why would you hurt me? I thought you loved me Finn? You don't hurt people you love?!" Hannah cried while pushing me, her arms swinging to punch my gut.

Y/N stood there while I held Hannah,

"I'm sorry Hannah, I admit to my wrongs. You don't deserve shit like this." I spoke while trying to clam Hannah down.

Hannah continued to cry, her screams and crying were going to attract more attention.

"I love you Finn." Hannah cried.

"Shh. I'm sorry... Hannah listen to me, this stupid fucking affair didn't mean much, we were just fooling around, it was nothing, a mistake." I explained while trying to calm Hannah down.

I realised what I said. And what I said wasn't true... Y/N wasn't a mistake, I only said this shit to calm Hannah down.
But, here I am yet again lying to Hannah.

Hannah's cries continued as she was nestled in my arms.
Y/N's eyes made full contact with mine, they were teary.

"Nothing?" Y/N mouthed.
I could feel Y/N's hurt by looking at her.

My tears eyes watched as Y/N stormed out, I wanted to go after her and explain that I didn't mean it like that.


Without turning back I kept walking... Just roaming the streets trying not to have a mental breakdown.

The fuck am I doing? He was never my boyfriend. I shouldn't even be weeping over Finn, he needs to stay with Hannah.
While I need to figure out my own relationship. I'm not even happy in my relationship, not the way I use to be. I have to do something about it...

My breathing became faster and deeper, a panic attack was going to happen.
Suddenly, I filled my mind with memories of Finn,

"Breathe Y/N, inhale and exhale. Take your time. Focus on your breathing, slow breaths." Finn's voice echoed through my mind.

I managed to calm myself down, stopping my panic attack. Tears streamed as I hyperventilated.

What am I going to do?

-here's part 2 (:
-this was rushed lol

Finn Wolfhard Imagines | Book two Where stories live. Discover now