Mike° What harm can this do? |2|

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Summary: Read Previous Parts (Y/N messes with the boys and uses her abilities)

Mike POV

The entire time during science class, all I could think about was eleven.
I wanted El with me.
That's why I try to reach out to her on the walkie, almost every night... I know she can still hear me.

"Guys, I know she's out there." I mumbled as I turned to face the boys, Will sat comfortably in his chair and then leaned forward onto his desk.

"If She is. How do we talk to her? El isn't giving us any signs." Will muffled, I shrugged my shoulders and could only think about communicating through the walkie talkie with her.

I sighed and Dustin kept playing with his hat,

"Tonight, my house after school. We can keep trying the static on the walkie talkie, I just want to hear her voice." I whispered, all the boys agreed.


I continued to bite down onto my pencil as I dozed off in science class.

My eyes slowly closing, shit I was so tired.
I then woke up by the sound of Mikes voice. My eyes had trailed to look upfront, staring at Mike and the boys conversing.

"I need to talk to her." Mike mumbled to the boys, I blinked and then smacked my lips together.

For some reason I laughed out loud just thinking about my little trick I pulled off last night.

"Y/N? Boys? What's with all the noise? Like I said earlier, focus on the work, not on chatting. All five of you detention after school." Mr. Clarke announced,

I frowned my eyebrows and face palmed myself,  the boys just sighed, the whole class stopped and stared at us.

"I was just laughing." I whispered shamefully. Mike rolled his eyes at me,

"This is your fault." Mike spat while he turned to make eye contact with me. Dustin then whacked Mike on the arm,

"It isn't Y/N's fault." Dustin spat back.

My fault? Really? All I did was laugh.

I felt this anger inside of me... My hands were gripping onto the desk tightly.
Quickly, my eyes closed shut and my nostrils flared.

I wanted to use my powers, but, I held myself back and calmed down.

Mike POV

I wish I was home. But no, instead I'm stuck at school for after school detention.

Our substitute detention teacher walked in,

"This math class needs to be re-decorated, so the old posters on the wall need to be taken down. I expect this to be done in an hour." Mrs. Lena explained then walked out.

I sighed and Dustin stood up,

"Come on, let's start now so we can leave quicker." Dustin muffled.

My head turned around to face Y/N... She already begun to take down the posters, she stayed quiet majority of the time.


15 minutes into detention and it bothered me that
Y/N wasn't talking at all, or even facing us.

"I wonder if she's alright." Will whispered, I shrugged my shoulders and Lucas placed some posters down.

"Should I ask her?" Lucas muffled, I rolled my eyes and didn't reply. My lips smacked together and I turned around,

"Y/N? Are you okay?" I asked, Y/N didn't turn around to face me. She gave me no reply...


I finished one wall and made sure there wasn't anymore left over staples stuck to the wall.
I grabbed the posters and placed them onto the teachers desk.

As I walked across the classroom, all I could hear was the boys whispering. Maybe they were whispering about me?

I turned on my hearing,

"El is the only one who can flicker the lights, and slam the garage door. She's still out there." Mike whispered,

I gasped lightly and quietly.
There was another girl in town who had abilities? El was her name?

It wasn't her, it was me. Should I tell them? Would I trust them?

My enhanced hearing dropped and I licked my lips, turning around they all stared at me.

"I'm done. So....I'm going to leave. Tell Mrs. Lena that I did that wall." I explained while pointing, Dustin then walked towards me.

"No, ugh Don't leave yet. Mike was being rude earlier when he claimed it was your fault about the detention, so he would like to ask you something, to make it up to you." Dustin mentioned, I raised one eye brow.

Mike was pushed forward and looked down,

"Would you want to, maybe, come to my house when we have another D&D campaign" Mike asked with gritted teeth.

Lucas and Dustin lightly slapped Mikes arm, "ow." Mike spat.
"Also, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. Can we be friends" Mike mentioned.

I smiled lightly and agreed.

"Yeah, sure." I replied excitedly.
Finally, I can make some friends.
I continued to smile. If they wanted to be my friend, maybe I should tell them about my abilities. Surely I can trust them, what harm can it do?

"Since we're starting a friendship, wanna see something cool? " I asked them. They all watched me,

I bit my lip and smirked, my hands balled up into fists and my eyes closed.
Focusing on the classroom, I then inhaled a deep breath, I made sure I  lifted up every school desk in the room.

My eyes had opened up, the boys had their mouths open out of shock.
My fist un-balled themselves and all the desk's dropped and landed.

A pause of silence had fallen upon us, the boys just stared at me weirdly.

"Cool right? Also, I'm sorry about yesterday, I saw you in guys in the Garage and may have flickered the lights and dropped the garage door." I explained,

Dustin mumbled, "Shit."

"I hate you." Mike whispered.
Mike gave me an angry look, he clenched his jaw and stormed out.

"Mike wait." Will yelled.

I was confused.

-sorry this was long and probably sucked ass. I wrote this quickly before doing homework, so sorry (,;

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