Finn° Shit

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Summary: You mess up your job while meeting Finn Wolfhard

-short imagine


I continued to drive and stare at my GPS...
The next order was so freaking far away and it was close to the damn Forrest.

I didn't mind working for Uber Eats because sometimes I'd meet some cool people as I deliver their food.

My one eyebrow raised as I pulled into a big driveway. I turned my head to the right, and saw that the front part of the house had their lights turned on.

I parked the car and opened the back door, I realised that these people ordered quite a lot of food.

As I walked over and held onto the Thai-food I stared at the front area where the lights were turned on... No one was there, the front door was open and I kinda got scared.

"Hello?" I spoke as I walked closer and then coughed.

Silence again, my lips smacked and I looked down at the food...

The sound of owls and bushes rustling scared the shit of me.

"Okay Y/N, just knock on the door and wait. It may be scary outside but you'll be safe in your car again, hopefully in 5 minutes." I whispered to myself,

Few quick seconds later, someone walked through the door and I dropped half the food.

My jaw dropped as I held onto the food that was saved,

"I'm so so sorry." I muffled while staring at the food that had fallen outta my arms. My head then looked up to see Finn Wolfhard standing in front of me.

"Shit." I whispered, Finn smiled staring at the food and then looked up at me.

"It's okay. We ordered a lot of food so, it's fine. It wasn't your fault, I kinda just rushed over and scared you." Finn explained with a smirk.

He then paid me and I handed him the food I didn't drop.

I licked my lips and pointed at my car,

"I still have some more orders in the back of the car, let me get it." I spoke before walking off.

I just met Finn.

Finn POV

She handed me the last of the orders.

"What's taking so long?" Quincy yelled. I smirked and turned to face the Uber eats girl.

"I'm sorry for scaring you- No, No I'm sorry for dropping your food." She replied quickly.

I grinned majorly and liked her smile,

"What's your name? I'm Finn." I mentioned, She folded her arms before answering.

"Y/N." She replied cutely.

I turned my head,

"Y/N if this is your last order of the night, would you maybe want to join me, my brother and my brothers best friend for dinner? We have plenty so." I commented with a grin.

Y/N inhaled and didn't know what to say.

"I don't wanna interrupt anything." She whispered, I nodded a no.

"You're not, those bozo's in there aren't so fun. Trust me you wouldn't interrupt anything." I explained.

Y/N agreed and walked in.

I blushed as I closed the door.
Quincy then walked over and raised his brow just staring at Y/N,

She was examining the AirBnB house, Quincy turned to face me.

"You sly guy... I can't believe you got the Uber eats girl to stay and eat dinner. You my dude, got some game after all." Quincy whispered smirking.

I rolled my eyes.

-this was requested (:

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